
Jun 20, 2005 23:39

Why do i have such an attraction to people who make me feel like shit? I get bothered by the people who actually do like me and are truly nice to me but i always eagerly follow those who are rude and jerkoffs to me. It seems like the more they treat me like shit the more i wanna talk to them. For some reason, evil people attract me. I'm so fucked ( Read more... )

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URGENT!!!!! anonymous June 22 2005, 03:57:28 UTC

Romans 1:27-32

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that wich is umseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 29 Being filled with all unrighteausness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boaters, inventors of evil things, disobediant to parents, 31 Without understanding, covenant-breakers, without natural effection, implacable, unmerciful: 32 Who knowing the judgement of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

Romans 2:2 But we are sure that the judgement of God is according to truth against them which commit such things.


Re: URGENT!!!!! steviant126 June 22 2005, 05:44:26 UTC
Well, now let me see.

First of all, if you're going to pose an argument such as this, spell check it first. Grammar check it. At least copy it correctly. You're failure to do so weakens your argument because it showcases your own stupidity.
Secondly, I just took a course in the Bible and am a former Roman Catholic. If you know much of anything about the book you are quoting from, you would know that it's been worked and re-worked countless times and the majority of the teachings in it are not even close to what God or Jesus said. After all is not the golden rule (which applies to all Christians and followers of God and/or Jesus) to "love your neighbor as you would love yourself," but then again "loving" yourself as many people would apply that word today is also a sin since the entire purpose of any form of sexual act is to procreate.
I do believe that the book of the Bible you are quoting from is one of Paul's letters to the Romans. Study your Bible some more. Paul actually wrote letters to church communities to scold them for their wrongdoing and to tell them how to correct their specific actions. Applying Paul's letters to us today becomes, in effect, a moot point.

Do us all a favor, work on your arguments before you thrust them at someone next time. I'll give you a hint of where you first went wrong. I assume you speak the English language since that is what you typed out your argument in. "ME AND GOD LOVE YOU," is incorrect. It should be "God and I love you".

I think you need to go prepare yourself better the next time you choose to randomly attack someone's belief or life.

Thank you and have a nice day.


Re: URGENT!!!!! crazymeow June 22 2005, 06:14:14 UTC
OOOOOOH, BUDDY, you have a lot of nerve coming on here posting that. I don't know who you are but from what you posted here i know what kind of ignorant human being you are.

First of all, i'm not Christian, I'm Muslim and i'm sure, according to your strict views, I'm already going to Hell for that, so you got a lot more work cut out for you if you think that making me "straight" is gonna "save" me as you would say. I don't appreciate someone barging on my LJ door and throwing passages from the Bible at me. I don't view Christianity as bad, I love Christianity as well as Islam and all religions but its sick fundamentalists like you who make all religions look bad. I have a deep respect for the Bible and much of what it says, i believe as well, BUT, i think you need to read more closely before you let your pastor or whoever brainwash you into believing certain things:

"28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;"

This has nothing to do with homosexuality. Not retaining God in their knowledge does not have anything to do with homosexuality. Many homosexuals love God dearly, like myself. You might want to post that one on an aetheist's blog; sorry sweetheart but that one was a failure.

"29 Being filled with all unrighteausness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness;"

ok, this could apply to anyone; NOT JUST GAY PEOPLE. You may not know this because you are so ignorant but gay people are not evil. They do not spread hate and are not maliscous. There are mean homosexuals and kind homosexuals (like myself), just as there are evil heteros (like yourself) and kind ones. I'm sure a lot more gay people care about human rights and equality and things of that nature than do evil religous hypocrits such as yourself. (and yes, i am intentionally insulting you).

"full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boaters, inventors of evil things, disobediant to parents,"

How dare you accuse me of being a "hater of God". I shouldn't even have to defend myself about that. You may not know this, but i know that God knows i love him more than anything in the world. That's all i'm gonna say about that. "proud" haha.lol. Gay people are probably the most insecure people on earth. As if there aren't any proud heteros? "disobediant to parents". Ok, wow, that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard. I love my parents from the bottom of my heart, and it is rare that i disobey them. Please, you need to get your priorities striaght. You're in the wrong spot to tell me i'm lost in this world. Tolerance sets you free and helps you find your way. Tolerate homos and other groups that are not "Christian" and you'll find yourself a lot less confused in this world, buddy. (and btw, i think evil scientists invent "evil things" more than gay people do...unless of course you consider organizations like GLAAD, HELEM, and PFLAG to be evil things...that's what gay people invent. Support groups to spread love, NOT HATE, that you fundamentalists try to spread). oooh, that was good. I just burned your ass.


Re: URGENT!!!!! crazymeow June 22 2005, 06:15:44 UTC
ok well this is my comment continued (yeah, i'm not finished with you yet buddy).

"31 Without understanding, covenant-breakers, without natural effection, implacable, unmerciful: 32 Who knowing the judgement of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them."

ok, at this point i am simply tired from disgust at what you are posting here. Do u really think the Bible is specifically reffering to Gay people as when it says "they" are "covenant-breakers, etc"...gay people are capable of love just as much as the next person. Try loving everyone more (and not some stupid hypocritical shit you made up that "Jesus loves everyone but you're still going to hell") and you might discover what true love is. I'm talking about real love. Love when you accept someone for everything they are, no matter what their flaws may be and you dont persecute people. If you simply accepted everyone for everything they are, and dropped judgement, you'll realize true love, true acceptance, and God. Because God knows this i'm sure. God would not make me like this if he didn't accept me. Yes God made me like this. He created me in His image out of love. Love that you simply cannot understand.

Did it ever occur to you that this passage is not reffering to Gay people? Did it ever occur to you that this is simply talking about evil people in general? to me, it makes more sense to view it that way. This passage sure does apply more to evil people than it does gay people. The only sliver of accusation it makes to homosexuality is like in five words, and that could mean anything. "Leaving the natural use of their women" or whatever. That's probably reffering to hetero men who experiment with homosexuality and that that's wrong because its not how God created them. God created gays and God created heteros; he created both in his image and both naturally. Both groups were created the way they are. God doesn't want hetero men to sway away from that and he probaby doesn't want gay men to turn straight because he didn't create them that way. Have you ever thought of it that way? OF COURSE NOT; because you're so brainwashed by what your preachers tell you that you can't see anything outside of it.

I'm not Christian but i know every Abrahamic religion has the same stories. I'm Muslim and almost the same thing is written in the Quran; and once again, it's mostly reffering to the evil acts of the people of Soddom and Gammora (and those evil acts don't mean homosexuality). It's reffering to their mistreatment towards guests, theivery, and maliscousness. I hardly believe these people were evil because they practiced homosexuality. They were evil simply because they were human. HUMANS ARE EVIL AND HUMANS ARE GOOD. There's good and evil everywhere buddy. Don't you ever use your Bible to label gays as evil "maliscous" creatures. You're the maliscous one for coming on here and saying that. This whole post you made was maliscous. I want you to read this whole thing and feel the white fire of my words burn into your mind and maybe you'll realize what an ignorant fool you are for trying to spread such hate. People like you only spread hate and anger. Gay people are simply trying to be accepted and they accept all others in the process. Go back to where you came from and NEVER EVER SHALL YOU DARE ENTER THIS JOURNAL EVER AGAIN. You are officially not welcome. Hateful people are never welcome on my journal. Only people who know how to embrace true love can comment here.


see ya in heaven


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