
Jul 19, 2003 03:33

I wanted it to be longer! I wanted to hear ALL the songs I was waiting for! She was very cool and very cute. Msmadrigal, thankyou a million times over for driving, putting up with us, and the nice visit afterwards! I'm sorry I was talking too loud! I loved all the women, I was envious of some.

Ran into C's ex-girlfriend twice and made the mistake of telling her so. She misunderstood and thought I had smoked a doobie with her ex! Not.

I just got back from taking C to her camp, and would really like to kick us all in the butts for not planning our girls sleepover tonight. It would have been perfect. I will not wait months. We'll just have to do it monthly, or weekly, or nightly. I DID NOT want this night to end. It was hard and not fair.

Msmadrigal, you are cooler than I knew, cooler than me, or...well, you know what the girls would say.
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