I've Got Notes Like a BAMF

Jun 16, 2011 12:13

I wrote a research paper on Biological Sex, Gender, and Sexual Orientation. These are some of the notes I took. I decided to store them here because my email was getting to full.

Heterosexual: A person sexually attracted to persons of the opposite sex. Or a person who has sexual relations with the opposite sex. Colloquially known as "straight."

Homosexual: A person sexually attracted to persons of the same sex. Homosexuals include males (gays) and females (lesbians)

Bisexual: An individual who engages in both heterosexual and homosexual sexual relations. Bisexual can also refer to the corresponding lifestyle.
In physical biology, the term "bisexual" refers to an individual who was born with gonadal tissue of both sexes (that, both testicular and ovarian tissue). Also termed a true hermaphrodite.
*Note in my paper, 'bisexual' will refer to the sexual orientation not the physical biology*

Asexual: 1. Without sexual desire or interest. Someone with seemingly no sexual drive. 2. Referring to reproduction without the combination of genetic material with another individual. Yeast can reproduce asexually by budding.
*Note in my paper 'asexual' will refer to the sexual orientation.

Pansexuality (also referred to as omnisexuality)[1] is a sexual orientation, characterized by the potential for aesthetic attraction, romantic love, or sexual desire towards people of all gender identities and biological sexes.[2][3] Some pansexuals suggest that they are gender-blind; that gender and sex are insignificant or irrelevant in determining whether they will be sexually attracted to others.[4] As defined in the Oxford English Dictionary,[5] pansexuality "encompasses all kinds of sexuality; not limited or inhibited in sexual choice with regards to gender or practice."

The word "transsexual" is most often used as an adjective rather than a noun - a "transsexual person" rather than simply "a transsexual". Transsexual people prefer to be referred to by the gender pronouns and terms associated with their target gender. For example, a transsexual man is a person who was assigned the female sex at birth on the basis of his genitals, but despite that assignment identifies as a man and is transitioning or has transitioned to a male gender role and has or will have a masculine body. Transsexual people are sometimes referred to with "assigned-to-target" sex terms such as "female-to-male" for a transsexual man or "male-to-female" for a transsexual woman. These terms may be abbreviated as "M2F", "F2M", "MTF", "F to M", etc.

Scientific research that has strongly suggested that their condition is biological rather than psychological in nature. Transgender seems to be more of a umbrella term.

Transgender (pronounced /trænzˈdʒɛndər/) is a general term applied to a variety of individuals, behaviors, and groups involving tendencies to vary from culturally conventional gender roles.

"Of, relating to, or designating a person whose identity does not conform unambiguously to conventional notions of male or female gender roles, but combines or moves between these."[2]
"People who were assigned a sex, usually at birth and based on their genitals, but who feel that this is a false or incomplete description of themselves."[3]
"Non-identification with, or non-presentation as, the sex (and assumed gender) one was assigned at birth."[4]

Transgender includes:


The Kinsey scale:
0 - exclusively heterosexual
1 - predominantly heterosexual, infrequently homosexual
2 - predominantly heterosexual, but more than infrequently homosexual
3 - equally heterosexual and homosexual (bisexual)
4 - predominantly homosexual, but more than infrequently heterosexual
5 - predominantly homosexual, infrequently heterosexual
6 - exclusively homosexual
Today, many researchers believe the Kinsey scale is too simple. They suggest that each person’s sexual orientation may be even more complex than these basic labels.

"Sex" refers to the biological and physiological characteristics that define men and women.
"Gender" refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women.

Gender Role A gender role is a theoretical construct in the social sciences and humanities that refers to a set of social and behavioral norms that, within a specific culture, are widely considered to be socially appropriate for individuals of a specific gender.

Sexual Orientation Sexual orientation is a social construct used to describe a pattern of emotional, romantic, and/or sexual attractions to men, women, both genders, neither gender, or another gender.

Cross-dressing is the wearing of clothing and other accoutrement commonly associated with a gender within a particular society that is seen as different than the one usually presented by the dresser.[1] Cross-dressing has been used for disguise, performance art and as a literary trope in modern times and throughout history.
a person who cross-dresses does not always identify as being of the opposite gender. Cross dressing is simple a behavior, not a sexual orientation.
Drag is a special form of performance art based on cross-dressing

Transvestite refers to a person who cross-dresses; however, the word often has additional connotations.

Genderqueer (GQ) and intergender are catch-all terms for gender identities other than man and woman. People who identify as genderqueer may think of themselves as being both man and woman, as being neither man nor woman, or as falling completely outside the gender binary.
Androgyny is a term-derived from the Greek words άνδρoς (andros, meaning man) and γυνή (gyné, meaning woman)-referring to the combination of masculine and feminine characteristics. This may be as in fashion, sexual identity, or sexual lifestyle, or it may refer to biologically inter-sexed physicality, especially with regards to plant and human sexuality.



Cross-dressing is the wearing of clothing and other accoutrement commonly associated with a gender within a particular society that is seen as different than the one usually presented by the dresser. Cross-dressing has been used for disguise, performance art and as a literary trope in modern times and throughout history.
a person who cross-dresses does not always identify as being of the opposite gender. Cross dressing is simple a behavior, not a sexual orientation.
Drag is a special form of performance art based on cross-dressing

Transvestite refers to a person who cross-dresses; however, the word often has additional connotations.

Whilst most Transgendered groups could be considered as a form of cross dressing, within the TG community Cross Dressing is often seen as something more specific; it's when dressing is done for sexual pleasure. It often centers on wearing more intimate apparel such as lingerie or underwear, as well as fetish wear like PVC or leather. There can be a huge gulf in outlook between a Transvestite and a Cross Dresser since the Cross Dresser is motivated by sex, whilst the transvestite is motivated by the need for expression. Therefore Cross Dressers may not feel the need to look convincing or act in anyway like a female would. (http://www.danistroom.com/inspirations/help/transgendered-terms-definitions.htm)

A transvestite is a person who chooses to outwardly express their inner feelings through their appearance. They could be male or female yet have the desire to show their feminine or masculine nature through dress...Having this stronger leaning within they may feel unable to express themselves fully within the constraints of their day-to-day gender and so find release in spending time within the opposite gender role.

My Opinion: Cross dressing is an action, to simply dress in the opposite way of your gender norm. A Cross Dresser is someone who dresses this way most often for sexual pleasure or performance. A Transvestite is someone who, while they are comfortable with their gender, feel the need to express their masculine or feminine side through cross dressing. Many transvestite are heterosexual and don't feel the need to cross dress all the time.

[It is not so much that feminists are against gender roles per se; it is that they are against gender roles that imprison people, male or female.

Gender roles in Japan:
Japanese couples regard parental roles as more important than couple roles when they have children.
Japan - Gender Roles

There is a deep preconception that men should be strong, reliable breadwinners for family.
Japan - Masculinity And Men's Suicide

Naoko Yamazaki is the second Japanese woman in space but it is her family life that gets attention back home.

Gender Roles and Therapy(japan)

Gender Roles in India
Although there exist many feminists and women advocating for women's rights and greater equality in India, their view's on gender roles is still one considered backward compared to Western society.

What Hijias are,

One of the most interesting features of Indian society is their acceptance that there are other genders beyond the two that western societies recognise as the norm.

Gender roles across the world have been more or less similar till the age of industrialization beaconed on human civilization. [...]in India they have merely been modified to adopt to new interesting dimensions of modern Indian society.

Gender Roles in Islam

More rights than one might think
Some Americans believe that Muslim women are oppressed by their religion, forced to cover themselves completely, denied education and other basic rights

Men and women stand equal before God. They are equally and individually answerable to Allah for their behavior. It is not how a person fulfills his or her sexual roles that determines how Allah views him or her; it is how faithfully each person lives the life that is set before him or her.

Queer Sexuality and Identity in the Qur'an and Hadith

Although the Qur'an views women and men to be equal in human dignity, this spiritual or ethical equality has not been reflected in most Muslim laws.

Gender Roles in Africa

Varga, C. A. (2003), How Gender Roles Influence Sexual and Reproductive Health Among South African Adolescents. Studies in Family Planning, 34: 160-172.
doi: 10.1111/j.1728-4465.2003.00160.x

Gender roles are the activities, responsibilities, and rights that a society considers normal and appropriate for men and women. There is no single model of gender roles in Africa.

The experiences of Cait as a Peace Corp Volunteer in South Africa.

Alfred Kinsey was a biologist, who studied entomology and zoology. He founded the Institute for Sex Research at Indiana University in 1947, it's now called the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction. Kinsey was the first modern sexology, he wrote the Kinsey Report and come up with the Kinsey Scale. His controversial research was some of the most important done on human sexuality.In 1933, Kinsey became interested in human sexuality after he had been studying gall wasps, wondering how widely humans varied sexuality.

One Nation Under God

Group trying to turn homo into hetero,
make homo man more masculine,
make homo woman more feminine,
"Homosexual is a sin"
"We are trying to help unhappy gays"
None of the therapist are trained,
Shock therapy in 60's, picture of man=shock, picture of woman=no shock.
After a few weeks, most people drop out of " exodus international", if they stay, after a year they feel great, open and free, after 3 to 5 year(time they say it takes to 'cure' you) they start feeling stress, fatigue, getting sick, and feeling suicidal.
AIDS is punishment to gay people.
When into the room of a gay man dieing of AIDS and making him 'confess' that this was his punishment and that being gay was wrong.

Is the bible really translated right?

If straight people can't turn gay, then why can gay people turn straight?
What's wrong with being gay? Why is it a sin?
Why are these unhappy gays, unhappy?

god, stress, relationships, homework, the dumbest generation, not mine, sexualty, i hear rian i think rain, transgender, gay., reject the hate, life

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