Rumor Is Reality

Dec 25, 2007 22:18

Title: Rumor is Reality.
Author: crazyluv4mcr.
Genre: Fantasy, Comedy.
Rating: Gee lmao
Summary: Gerard created the Umbrella Academy, but what if he had gotten tips from one of his creations?
Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to My Chemical Romance or The Umbrella Academy or Rumor or know them personally. This is all the work of fiction based on someone else's ideas. No parts of this story may be reproduced or used without my permission. I wrote this assuming that every reader had knowledge of the people in the story prior to reading, hence the small amount of character description.


The ideas swam in his head like a diver in the ocean. The pencil molded to his hand knew its place and could feel where he wanted its mark to land. he shook the small piece of hair that had fallen into his face back into its place with a small flick of his head. the story was getting deeper and deeper embedded in his brain by the day. His brow furrowed as he added line after line to the picture that began to form on the paper in his hand. He drew her mouth sliding the tip of the pencil to breath life into her form on the page. He had no idea that her essence had called to him, she was more alive than he thought.
"Gerard!" he jumped the pencil slipped slightly and a mark gouged her cheek.
"Fuck!" he said looking up at his friend in the doorway, The annoyance plastered on his features.
"We go on in 30." Ray said watching him sigh and place the paper carefully into its case.
he shrugged, "I lost track of time." And followed ray to warm up for the show that was drawing closer.
That night when Gerard settled into his hotel room his shower taken and he lay across the bed with his drawings spread out before him. The guys were out partying but the only thing he had in his head was the story that was forming. And the people he knew he had to bring to life.
He placed his pencil back onto the paper shading her features, she was almost complete. Almost finished. In his mind he began to think of her as Addy. Addy was beautiful and proud, and he grinned as he imagined her power to be that she could fly. Her hair black hanging to her waist. Much longer than Vanya's. He had just a few characters figured out, Vanya had been the first, now Addy was forming before his eyes. He began to hum as he finished the sketch, the last touch was the smirk on her lips. He stretched his limbs moving to place the papers onto the table again when a gust of wind slammed through the room sending the papers flying in different directions.
"What the..?" he said standing up in one swift motion, his eyes immediately going to the closed and locked door. The windows were securely shut too, his hand rose up and cupped around the back of his neck, he began to rub absentmindedly as he tried to figure out the source of the air that had entered the room, but there was no explanation in sight, he decided to let it go and just collect the papers placing them onto the table, when the one, or was it the one, It looked like the page that he had been working on, the page that Addy should be staring back at him from, but she wasn’t there. He turned it and looked on the other side and again was faced with a blank page.
he searched the other pages, some just partial sketches, foundations of an idea, and the one page of Vanya that was finished, but Addy, was gone, and yet there was a blank page where there should be a completed drawing.
"I’m tired, very tired." He said and placed them on the table, convinced that he was just too tired to deal with it and he was overlooking something that would surely be clear by morning.
"I can't believe you are so wrong." A firm voice, a female voice intruded his thoughts. His eyes turned to saucers as he realized the sound had come from behind him.
"Wrong? what? How did you..?" he said turning cautiously to face the intruder. His entire body tensed, fearing that this person may want to harm him. Alone and not particularly wanting to have to defend himself against a woman, and even worse maybe having to hurt her in the process caused a dread to slam through him like a silent thunder roll crashing into the stillness. Finally facing her head on he locked his eyes with hers, and she returned the motion, which caused him to be taken aback, he was sure he knew her, but also sure he’d never seen her in his life, and then the truth showed itself as a flasher in central park would do, suddenly and unexpectedly.
"Addy?" he said searching her face again.
“What the fuck?” he said not giving her a chance to respond. He shook his head as if that would give him an answer that he wasn’t seeing.
“I'm asleep, that’s what this is.” He said and laughed at his realization.
“If you want, then believe that.” She said looking at him as if she were bored.
“But the name's not Addy.” She finished he had let his gaze fall to the floor for a moment thinking the situation through and her words ripped them from the floor and to her face again.
“What?” It came out as a sigh, with his disbelief attached firmly to the syllable.
“Look at me closely Gerard, Look into my face.” She said
“ I am, and I know you’re Addy, don’t know how I know that…” he let his voice trail off looking at her hoping shed just tell him what this meant.
“See you got me wrong, I don’t fly! I can’t believe you are thinking that I fly? How could you? And ..”
“Whoa, just , holy fuck, whoa!” Gerard said an expression of shock and awe etched on his face.
He began to pace the room as she moved quietly and sat on the bed watching him. Her short purple hair hanging into her eyes, she was looking at him coyly letting him decide when they should go on.
“Okay so you are Addy?” He said stubbornly deciding to try and get it straight again.
“No, name’s Allison.” She said grinning at him from the bed.
“Allison?” He said trying on the name as if it were a hoodie he’d just bought.
“Ya know, you’re right, you’re not Addy.” He finally said
“She wasn’t Addy at all was she?” He said finally understanding, shaking his head at himself as he began to grasp what she had been telling him. Not meaning for her to answer, just thinking out loud.
Her curiosity of him was apparent on her face as her eyes followed him slowly.
"I created you, how can I imagine you wrong if you came from my head?" He had fully embraced the situation, any doubts of the reality of it pushed aside, any feeling of absurdity tossed away as if only trash.
"You're different, your hair, you.. it.. you're different.." He locked his eyes with hers again motioning towards her hair with his hand as if he needed to point out what he meant.
"I'm real, and you felt us, saw us, only you got me wrong, that’s all."
He giggled grinning at her.
"It's only a comic book." he said with a wave of his hand," If you're real, what do you care if I get it right?"
"Cause i want it right."
He continued to look at her studying her features.
"I still cant believe you got me, JUST ME wrong, of all the.." She sighed
"You wont be doing the honors of drawing us anyway." She said watching his face become puzzled again.
"Well, I.." He began
"I heard a rumor that The man that immortalizes us was standing beside you." She said
"What exactly does that.....What the fuck!?"
He had turned slightly in mid sentence and almost fell over a panicking man standing beside him.

Who are you!? and how the hell did I get.. where AM I?! Gabriel said rather yelled and shoving Gerard back a step from him. Gerard regained his footing and managed to keep his footing.
"Whoa, speak English, I will explain, calm down?"
He began to spew more of his cursing in his tongue looking around with wild eyes, only moments before he was standing in his kitchen having just finished a glass of water. Panic of not understanding what was happening raged through him.
"I heard a rumor that you are calm!" She said grinning at him. His face relaxed and he looked at Gerard standing beside him who just shrugged and looked back at Allison.
"Listen boys, I want you to know me, Look at me and remember what you see and hear." She said standing from the bed, Gerard sat down on the edge of the bed as she began to pace the room telling them about herself and just a few things about her siblings, she knew there was no need in describing some of what she said, Gerard would dream the rest up. She just liked telling it, and they listened intently. Gabriel sat in the plush maroon chair in the corner still clad in his sleep cloths. She continued for some time, finally finishing satisfied that she had accomplished her goal.
"How do you know I'll get all of you right?" Gerard said
She grinned," Cause one of us can go into the future. Don't worry you only got me wrong." She said a hint of contempt still in her voice.
"I heard a rumor that me and Gabriel were now at our homes and when you two wake up in the morning you'll only remember me as your own ideas." She said with a tiny smirk at Gerard’s unvoiced objection.
His eyes glued to the spot where Allison had disappeared. He hadn’t noticed that Gabriel was gone till he glanced at the chair. He let out a long breath still in shock that he had just talked to her. "I've really lost it now!" he said voicing his thoughts to the empty room. He runs his fingers through his hair and then picks up the drawings that are lying on the table. The rumor looked back at him from the page now as he’d drawn her, he sifts through them till he comes to his sketch of Vanya. looking into her drawn eyes his eyebrow arches as he furrows his brow, he shakes the paper in front of him stopping to glance at her again, and then shakes it once more for good measure, if anyone had seen the movement, they would have thought that maybe he was trying to rid the paper of some unknown thing that he didn’t want on it, in reality, he thought that maybe he could force her out of it, into the room with him, but nothing happened and he sighed finally settling down with the pictures to begin redrawing Allison the way she should be. he worked as long as he could worn out from the days concert, he was gone the moment his head hit the pillow and when his eyes opened the next morning he only remembered his new idea for "the Rumor" the knowledge that she had really been there wiped away by the rumors cleverness.


gerard way, the rumor, umbrella academy

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