I just brought a sheet of stickers down to the first floor, where I have my
USA Women's Rugby 7s calendar hanging over my desk in the corner of our living room. I've been using the calendar to keep track of my working out - the first week of the year is covered in cryptic marks (X, XY, Xz, that sort of thing) but then I gave up and started just writing "lower body lifting," "30 m. cardio," "Sarah gym!" etc.
And I'm so proud of finally doing a whole week of Good Fitness - full body lifting, sprints, cardio, ass-kicking crossfit style Saturday fitness session with ruggers from all over DC, etc. - that I gave myself a gold star. Yes, like actually dug through my stickers until I found a gold star and put it on my calendar.
I am motivated by the same things as a five-year-old.
In related news, today when I went to do a sprint workout in a field near my house (I finally went to see if the high school track a few blocks away was unlocked, and it's not, but there's a big field right next to it that wasn't locked, and they even had stairs so I could run those!). When I was in the middle of running up and down stairs, this police car pulled into the parking lot, and a cop got out. He then stood there and watched me for two or three minutes, while I worried that he was going to yell at me and make me leave, but then he got back into his car and drove away.
Inauguration is making this city really odd.