I just gave blood for the first time, yay go me. They had to take it out of my left arm because, apparently the vein in my right arm isn't very obvious. argh! I can't type like this! I cant move my left arm because it stings and I also have a plaster on my right hand middle finger where they tested my iron level (which, if you care, is very high).
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I'm not dissing the snakes! I just needed an example of something a lot of people are scared of that you're not... yeah well YOU CAN'T DISSECT ME I QUIT
I bet it is, you said that about the sailor tops and they were awesome :D You just need your wig and stuff for the finishing touches and I'm sure you'll change your mind. All the girls on there seem to be Nekozawa and Tamaki fangirls... we really need to enter the masquerade now and see if we get fangirl screams like Kaiba did last time! Oh yeah and we only need to fill out one form between us, advance entry opens on the website at some point in the future and if I e-mail it to them before the deadline then we should be in. Also you can enter both days if it's different costumes, so if you want to do Azudai too, and Steph and Becca want to...
Shut up you've been like the only faithful committee member, you were the treasurer, you were involved in both wacky weeks, you've helped in classes, done litter picks and omg you are SUPER WOMAN. I think they had more than enough reason to give it to you =P
OMG long massage!
>> fine
the cape's not completely done, I still have to do the poppers and maybe some finishing in the armholes if I have time, but I don't need to because they're covered by the capelet so you can't see them. But all the heavy sewing which I have to do at the flat is done so yay. After that I can show it to you. Entering on both days is cool, as are fangirly screams, but I have to enter after all the work I'm putting in. I still have to sew the skirts T_T thank god I don't start for another few weeks.
It's not like most of those involved actual work and... superwoman?
... I just said omg while talking about God, yay for blasphemy?
Okay so they might not have involved doing much, but it was still stuff you did off your own back in your own time and the long list looks impressive.
<3 and the cat costumes nearly done now, yay!
It is an impressive list, and it reminds me of 2 things 1) I won't be going to salsa because that's when the award thing is 2) I really need to return the treasurer book ^^' The litter pick was the hardest bit, and - not that I wanted recognition, but no one even said thankyou T_T
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