My Toy And Your Toy [Prologue]

May 23, 2011 12:22

Genre: Fluff, slight!Angst, Fantasy
Pairings: main!Kyumin, main!Haehyuk (It's exactly 50%-50%), more sidepairings to come
Rating: PG-13 for now
Notes: Language, AU, Fantasy, OCs, Kyuhyun's thought in blue, Sungmin's thoughts in pink for the prologue.
Disclaimer: I'M POOR!!! I DON'T OWN ANYTHING!!! I think not even the plot... OTL
Summary: What if there were actually people who are playing with our lifes? With our fates, our wishes and dream. What if those people are the guilty ones if our friends, family members and lovers die, lose their money and their home? Getting sick, having accidents? What if those people were watching over us? Hey, maybe everyhthing turns out to be better then. Maybe.

"Kyu... I'm bored.", Sungmin whined and pouted. The life god sat on a white fluffy cloud and looked straightly into his opponent's brown orbs. Opponent, literally. Because the death god was the one sitting on the other cloud, looking back into the life god's big eyes, smirking.

"Again? So what?"

"Let's play a game.", Sungmin suggested and his pouty lips curved into a smile while he leaned towards Kyuhyun in expectation.

"And I thought I was the gamer. The last time we played one of your stupid games, they fell in love."

"It was cute!"

"And boring."

Sungmin blinked innocently and jumped next to the taller god.

"You are so unromantic, cold and without any feelings.", he whispered and leaned his head on Kyuhyun's shoulder. The latter turned his head and blew some hair from Sungmin's forehead.

"I'm the death god. I am supposed to be like that, cold and emotionless.", he whispered back.

Sungmin sighed. "But I'm bored..."

"Why are you even like that? Nichkhun and Victoria were not enough for you? But seriously. The company boss and his secretary. Is there anything more boring?"

Sungmin giggled cutely and pinched Kyuhyun's cheeks. He jumped up and walked around his counterpart who had closed his eyes now. Probably thinking about how to get rid of his slightly irritating fellow. He had been spending 98% of his lifetime wit that guy and the death god was sure that everyone else would have been annoyed to death already. Unfortunately, Sungmin was one of the 11 existing persons Kyuhyun couldn't kill.

'Naaah... Somehow it's cute.', Kyuhyun thought and opened his eyes again, only to stare into those big, chocolate brown eyes again.

"I have an idea.", Sungmin sing-songed and jumped up again. He walked up and down on his cloud while eyeing the rotating earth globe beneath him. Then he took out his note book and opened it. While he was browsing through the pages, he bit his lower lip and his eyes became more shiny with every second that passed.

The life god finally closed his note book and seemed really satisfied. He walked on his cloud again and jumped on Kyuhyun from behind. The death god groaned from from irritation  and rolled his eyes.

"What is it now?", he sighed and leaned forwards to ease the pulsating pain in his back. Sungmin laughed his wonderful laugh and pecked Kyuhyun's cheek teasingly.

"I have an idea.", he said and rufflled Kyuhyun's hair.

"You already said it twice by now. If your idea is that great, tell me.", the latter said. He acttually just wanted Sungmin to shut up.

"Let's play with someone else this time! And if you think that company boss and secretary is boring, we can... make two guys falling in love!"

Kyuhyun pulled a face. "Ew. No love please. Can't they just kill each other? That would be much more fun."

"No killing!", Sungmin whined and pinched Kyuhyun's arm.

"Ouch! Okay, but no falling in love either, okay?"

Gosh. Why did this guy always has to be that bouncy, full of life and addicted to stupid love stories?

"Uhm... okay!", Sungmin cheered and danced around again.

I will find a way, anyway. You know that, Kyu, and I know that you'll do everything to prevent me from getting what I want.

"Let's find some toys first...", Kyuhyun smirked.


Name: Lee Donghae

DOB: 15. 10. 1992

Bloodtype: A

Height/Weight: 173cm/59kg

Job: He works as a photographer

Life: Donghae was born into a very loving and caring family. He has a brother named Donghwa. He had a strong relationship with his father who taught him everything about photographing. They often went to the sea even if they didn't have that much money. When Donghae was fourteen years old, his father died of an heartattack and he had to work a lot since then to support his family. A few weeks ago, Donghae got a promising job as a photographer and is really glad about that chance.

Preferences: Donghae loves the sea because it reminds him of his father. He likes fish because he looks a bit like them and little cute puppies, just because of the same reason.

Hobbies: Swimming, singing, meeting friends, spending time with his family, eating, being funny, dancing, playing soccer
Miscellaneous: Donghae is very sensitive and might cry often. He can be moody and pouts often. Donghae is a really emotional person.

Sungmin smiled. "I want him.", the life god stated happily and Kyuhyun rolled his eyes.

"He's a crybaby. Sensitive and such. You cannot make any love story with such a crybaby."

"I remember that I promised my Kyuhyunnie not to initialise a love story, right?", Sungmin blinked innocently and Kyuhyun tried his best to ignore those puppy eyes.

"Then... I choose him."

Name: Lee Hyukjae

DOB: 04. 04. 1991

Bloodtype: 0

Height/Weight: 178cm/57kg

Job: Head of a bif criminal organisation, called 'Ark Angel'

Life: Hyukjae's parents were members of the criminal organisation 'Ark Angel' and were killed when he was two years old. He doesn't remember them anmore but he doesn't really care. After the death of his parents, his uncle raised him and his sister Sora. He was killed a year a go, too and Hyukjae became the position of the head. Hyukjae is a really good boss and everybody does what he wants without any further questions because he is talented.

Preferences: Hyukjae likes it clean. He loves strawberries, milk and fruit. There are only less things he likes.

Hobbies: Hyukjae loves to dance but nobody knows about it except of kai, his assistent and kind of his friend. He also likes listening and sining along to music.

Miscellaneous: Hyukjae hates dirt like he hates nothing else in the world. It doesn't matter if it is dust or mud or how much and big it is, he just hates it and is a bit paranoid about it. Hyukjae is very aggressive when he gets angry which happens at least twice a week. He is used to get what he wants. Hyukjae is often called Eunhyuk by his friends.

"The head of a criminal organisation? You said that you won't do anything with killing!", Sungmin whined.

Kyuhyun didn't look at him but smirked when he read the profile again.

"It's perfect for your weird crybaby there. It's not like the head of the Korean mafia would kill someone who can't be a danger for him and his activities. Don't worry, your Donghae guy is too stupid to be killed by my bad boy." Sungmin just pouted.

You'll see what we get. Donghae is way too adorable to be hated.

Whatever. As if Mr. Hyukjae here can do anything else than killing other people.

"Then let's start it."

I'm going to win.

I'm going to win.

A/N: Well, that's the prologue then^^ Shall I keep it up? Comments are loved :D

someone's watching, kyumin, fanfiction, haehyuk

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