UGH. Arkansas probably made my accent twenty times thicker than normal. Does NO one know how to pronounce Ibuprofen? It's EYE-BEE-PRO-FEN not EYE-BEE-PRO-FEE-UM.
ETA: /joking. Seriously do I need to add in every time I'm joking in a journal now? Maybe my tone does not come off as joke-y. WHO KNOWS. Anyway. Yeah. I like my messed up southern accent, thanks.
Anyway. You also do not say Don't it? instead of Doesn't it? unless you're being ironic.
Matt is a seriously fucked up kid if he's the Carver. The only way that's even possible is if Matt:
Is a sociopath.
Has been deteriorating for way longer than the show tells us.
Needs a hug.
But I guess if you think about it, Matt was only in the premiere for the funeral section--which really was only a dream. So technically Matt didn't show up at all. Unless of course, he's the Carver which means they had that really horrendous flashback where Matt has no conscience. They had to have left him out deliberately because he was so connected to the plot last season. You don’t just find out your girlfriend’s a man who had sex with her son and just tra-la-la on with your life.
Anyway. Carver.
According to the show he'd have to be a "sexual deviant masochist who's obsessed with physical appearances."
Well let’s see. Sexual deviant? He has received a blow job from a porn star, considered having sex with his girlfriend’s girfriend, and has been caught masturbating outside in public to his over-aged girlfriend who is supposed to be your counselor. Ok, yeah. I can see sexual deviant. Even if he doesn't find out about the whole man thing until later.
Masochist? Alright, so I can't really think of anything masochistic that he does. He doesn't seem to put himself into awkward situations, he doesn't intentionally do things where he could get hurt. He seems more like a sadist to me, but whatever Nip/Tuck. Call it “masochism” when you really mean “sadism.” I don’t want to see some bull shit “he cuts himself to relieve the pain” drama either.
However, if there is one thing Matt is, it's obsessed with physical appearance--appearances in general, really. He gives himself a circumcision because he doesn't like the way it looks. He has been surrounded by physical beauty all his life. Christian was his role-model for the longest time, and that man is a paragon of beauty obsession. So I think Matt has insecurity out the ass.
That insecurity would have to be based on Christian, and--to a lesser extent--Julia. Sean has always been big on physical appearances not mattering, but Christian has practically shoved the whole playboy lifestyle down Matt’s throat. He’s the one that convinces Matt to get a circumcision. He’s the one that takes him to a porn star party. On top of that, he’s the reason Sean and Julia break-up. He’s the one that womanizes and treats people like garbage, and I guess if you’re Matt/Carver then you’re going to think to yourself, “If Christian were ugly then he wouldn’t get a chance to hurt anyone.”
And I guess that would lead to, “If everyone were ugly, then nobody could get hurt on account of false appearances.” Which is a crap theory, if you ask me. But I don’t know why else Matt would only go after the pretty people unless it’s some sort of revenge-by-proxy, and even then, why not carve Christian’s face? I guess out of some sense of obligation or twisted love/respect that he obviously does not have for Sean.
He loves Sean enough not to rape him, and he loves Christian enough not to ruin his face? I don’t know, it’s pretty fucked up either way. There has to be a reason why Sean wasn’t raped, and why Christian didn’t get his face messed up, and the only way that would be possible is if the Carver knew both of them personally.
In any case, Matt would have to have absolutely no conscience at all and the ONLY evidence of that (besides snide angry!teenage!comments to his family) is the lying about the car accident and sending his friend to jail. That was a cold thing to do, and it would take a big lack of remorse in order to look your father in the eye and lie to a judge point-blank and say you had nothing to do with almost ruining a girl’s life. I mean, that was his best friend and he just said, “No. I wasn’t in the car.” That kid’s life was ruined and he just completely didn’t care. No scenes of him breaking down in a bathroom, no scenes sliding down a wall and crying, no throwing up, no taking pills to hide the pain.
Everyone else on the show has remorse, except Matt. But if he is the Carver, I want some BUILD UP AND BACKSTORY DAMNIT. None of this “Oh he’s the Carver isn’t that an INTERESTING and UNEXPECTED twist” stuff. I’ll be almost as pissed at that as I was of the unnecessary threesome.