Title: The Bee's Knees - Part 4 ( Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) Characters/Pairings: Cain/Castiel Warning: ABO dynamics, Mpreg, FLUFF SO MUCH FLUFF. Embarrassing amounts.
Title: The Bee's Knees - Part 3 ( Part 1, Part 2) Characters/Pairings: Cain/Castiel Warning: ABO dynamics, Mpreg, very brief mention of option to terminate pregnancy.
Title: The Bee's Knees - Part 2 ( Part 1) Characters/Pairings: Cain/Castiel, background Dean/Benny, Hannah with mentions of Hannah/Kim Warning: ABO dynamics, Omega!Castiel, Alpha!Cain, explicit sex (this chapter)
Title: The Bee's Knees Characters/Pairings: Cain/Castiel, background Dean/Benny Summary: Cain was very content with his life the way it was. Warning: ABO dynamics, Omega!Castiel, Omega!Dean, mentions of MPREG ( Read more... )
Title: Not What He Needs (Human!AU) Characters/Pairings: Cain/Dean Summary: People don't have the slightest clue Warning: Age difference (Legal), Non-graphic sex ( Just not normal... )
Title: Pirate's Booty (Pirate!AU) Characters: Cain, Dean, Benny Lafitte Pairings: Cain/Dean Summary: Is it a pirate's life for Dean? Warning: Description of Dean naked, implied Prostitute!Dean