Presidential Debate!

Oct 15, 2008 21:27

I'm really quite proud I've managed to watch ALL of the Presidential (and VP) debates this time!  And all of the Daily Show/Colbert Report followup commentaries...

James and this guy from his hall, Fielder (he's really cool!) have decided that every time Obama blinks his eyes at McCain, he's really saying "Fuck You."  And look!  The eye blinking increases every time McCain says something that he really disagrees with or insults him directly.  And I really like that CBS shows both their faces at all times.  I look at the other one whenever one is talking...  And in this debate, Obama is actually addressing being called a terrorist and Muslim at the Republican rallies!  Sheez, Jon Stewart covered that issue before he did.

Obama seems awfully giggly in this debate.  He keeps on laughing at things McCain says.

And if I hear about Joe the Plumber, or Joe Six Pack, or Joe Smoe ever again after this election (until the next one anyways...)  I will beat McCain.  At least Obama smirks a bit whenever he says Joe.  And McCain doesn't seem to be understanding Obama's taxes for businesses making 250,000+.  He's explained it like three times tonight...

So I think, instead of being President like I wanted to when i was little, I'd rather be on the Supreme Court.  It sounds so much more interesting...

Yep, I guess I'm still voting for Obama...

obama, fielder, james, politics, tv

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