Mar 02, 2008 14:29
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Subject: Tying up some loose ends
Current mood: humorous
So I've decided to delete my myspace (oh noes!). It's basically turning into facebook (not that I use facebook much either..) and I can't say I really loved myspace much anyways. You guys (yes, every damn 59 of you) are equally amazing people, whether I met you at school or at camp and I'm pretty sure I have some awesome memories with each of you. However, I'm incredibly sick of having to go through a proxy (vtunnel) for all of my myspacing needs, especially when half the links still don't work. So since I'm going back to school this afternoon, I'll delete this in a month or so, whenever I get real internet back. If you ever want to know how I'm doing, you can see me at my lovely lj since I've had it since middle school (though it was deactivated once..) and it's one of the few constants I've kept. Most everything's public, so you don't need an account or anything. And it's the most caught up source of anything about my life. To any of you who've grown terribly attached perpetually unchanging myspace, I'm ever so very terribly sorry. Be back in a month to, ah, "do the deed". ^.^
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deleting myspace