
Jun 09, 2007 23:01

Never...ever...ever...get me on a bicycle again...after some wheedling and the realization of "if not now, when?", we ferried over to InisMor (the largest of the Aran Islands), rented a bike, and cycled all over the place (with me swerving all over the fortunately nearly-empty roads, nearly colliding with German tourists or horse-drawn carts on the way)...we made it up to Dun Aengus (probably misspelled, but definitely amazing!!), this neolithic fortress on the edge of a massive, sheer cliff face made up of three concentric rings of stone, all without mortar. Between the approximately 10-mile ride (a lot of downhill, thank heavens...) and the rocky climb up to the fortress, my legs are completely shot...I totally earned some ice cream by the end of the day. Fortunately, I have a lot of Alleve, and a lot of time to relax tomorrow, as we drive to Dublin Airport and fly to Barcelona! Sorry this post is so short, it's just that the lounge is closing momentarily, and I have a LOT of sleep to catch up on!
More to come!
-Sam "Rubberlegs" Ross
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