Just finished GTA IV.
A good game, but it didn't deserve the perfect scores it got. The open world gameplay is nothing short of amazing. I have no idea how they pulled it off, but the very fact that you can drive from one side of the incredibly detailed city to the other without so much as a hiccup from loading makes the game worth checking out. There's an attention to detail about the city that makes it feel more alive than just about any other video game environment I've seen.
The basic gameplay is good, if somewhat hard to get used to. Combat works well, but the driving camera never showed me what I wanted to see. When I go around a corner, I dont' want the camera to come around slowly. I want it to immediately point in the direction my car is traveling.
The game is also SLOOOOWWWW. The entire thing feels like side quests (not good.) At any given time you can pick as many as 4 different main story missions to do. That makes the story harder to get into. The characters also aren't that relatable, seeing as how most of them are sociopathic. And the ending is extremely lackluster.
I think it's worth a play, if only so you can understand the game's unparalleled scope. Rockstar has created a world far deeper than any I'd seen before in a game.
There's more to say about it. I'll just refer you to the
Zero Punctuation review. (I don't know if he knew this when he made the review, but you can actually write a letter to your mum in the game.)