I had an oddly satisfying day of social isolation today.
I chatted with H on the phone for 20 minutes.
I called to check on a friend from out of state and even though the conversation had to be brief, she sounded cheerful.
With the use of technology, S and C from our house, H from her apartment, and the 2 other members of their Saturday D&D group from their house, played a reasonably fun installment of their D&D campaign together.
M and I took Pete on a long walk. I've been playing PokémonGO again, since the quarantine started, so we walked down to a pokéstop in our neighborhood. It was a longer walk than I usually take him on, so poor Pete was really worn out by the time we got back.
Since Consonance was supposed to be this weekend, and old filkers tend to be reasonably tech savvy, they managed to live stream several concerts performed on many different livingroom couches. I got to listen from the comfort of my bed full of heatpads.
Interspersed through most of my day, I used the magic of iheartradio to stream an oldies country station out of Houston. Oh yeah, R.I.P. Kenny Rodgers; throughout the day that radio station was playing a tribute to him followed by a different one of his songs each time.
We also ended up having to bury a duck today. The one C started calling Spackle, because while she was supposed to be a brown duck she grew a very large number of white feathers instead. C and S chose rocks to put on her grave. They were trying to make them look like a runner duck.
Earlier in the day, I freshened up the hay in the chicken laying boxes and started on the insurmountable task of cleaning up the horse poop in the yard. Weird thing, someone threw a large bag of trash in our garage can. I wouldn't have minded if it was last garbage cycle, my container was nearly empty then, but I really needed the extra space this time around.
After coming back in from my evening animal stuff, I discovered M in the midst of a virtual filk circle with more than 40 participants. Oh, I didn't mention that Consonance is a filk Convention.