Horse and Goose.

Oct 13, 2016 11:21

We got Wobbles from the neighbor on the day he was hatched. He lived in the house with Speedy, his hatchmate, till they were 3 weeks old. They were pretty huge by then, and I was overwhelmed with the work of moving and managing two houses, so moving them out seemed like the best idea at the time. I think I broke their hearts a little bit when I did and I've regreted that decision for the past 6 and a half years. H spent a ton of time with them, laying on the grass with them sleeping on her, and as a result Wobbles fell in love with her. To this day he will follow her around, honking in a soft special honk. As the other two kids aged and got as tall as H was when we got the geese, Wobbles added them to his list of prefered humans (whereas, when my son was 4, Wobbles was really vicious with him, biting at any opportunity). As for me, even though I am the one who feeds and waters him everyday, I will forever be known as the evil egg stealer.

Within a week of putting the geese in the yard, we got Ezra, our first horse. He was without a herd, and the geese were at an impressionable age, so somehow the giant thoroughbred, and the scrawny young geese bonded.

We're pretty sure in Wobbles mind he is half goose, half human, and half horse (and I know that is too many halves, but he is a rather mixed up goose, so he needs an extra half mixed in).

horses, damn geese, photos, kids, animals

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