Jun 07, 2005 20:42
Well my parents and I went and ate some wonderful barbecue over at Spring Creek this evening. Wait, I'm getting ahead of myself. A few months back, my dad started talking about starting his own website business with a couple of other guys at work. They wanted to get a hunting/fishing thing started, but it just never seemed to be convenient for any of them. However, tonight, out of the blue, my dad busts in with, "I was researching rainbow/gay website names that haven't been taken. I looked it up and found that "www.rainbowmarketplace.com" has yet to be taken." *mouth drops to the ground and eyes glance in mothers direction* He smiles and says yep, and walks away to the bathroom. My mom and I crack up. I have no idea what has gotten into him, but all the more power to him if he really follows through with this. I just have the hardest time seeing my dad sitting at home boxing up rainbow and gay merchandise to sell. However, I would also love to see that too. I really love both of my parents...they are the greatest parents a person could ask for. They may not always be so understanding, but overall they come to terms with whatever is thrown their way. *hugs her parents with all her might*
P.S. I just found out I only have chem lab TWICE a week!! woot...no lab wednesdays or thursdays!