Waiting to hear

Jan 31, 2015 11:10

Another week by with not much unplanned, unless you count things like taking photos for my sister’s builder-husband, who was in the process of making some stairs just like ours. Of course, there were non-routine things, like my sister’s visit, my parents for supper, etc. Oh, and that fun new crochet project. I also got some more photos sorted, as well as a new puzzle sorted out, ready to put together!

Do you ever feel guilty for all the comfortable, fun things you get to do? Even the cross-country skiing that I got to do yesterday, which was UN-comfortable-but a good workout (I’m still a bit sore today), and SO exhilarating! And today, we get to have company for supper again, yay!

Ah well, even missionaries have fun, sometimes. ;) Which brings me to some thoughts on my One Word for this year (“serve”). When we finished that Perspectives course about missions, I continued with the extra exercises at the end, and re-checked what my gifts were through the suggested questionnaires, etc. One of the things that I’d come across before, was the gift of Faith. I remember being doubtful about that; not that I didn’t have faith, but the idea seemed to be about miracle-answers-to-prayer kind of thing.

However, I have been increasingly able, over recent years, to pray more and more; both because of the awareness of the need/importance of prayer, and because I’ve simply had more time.

Now, isn’t it just all the old ladies, too crippled to do anything else but considered true saints of God, who are the designated Prayer Warriors? I guess maybe not.

It’s certainly wonderful that you can quickly request prayer through the internet these days. I have a custom-privacy group set up on Facebook, for those who pray, and have used it often enough. And I know first-hand how much it means when someone responds to say that they’re praying!

So, looks like I’ve found a ministry here, for now anyway.

“God’s there, listening for all who pray, for all who pray and mean it.” (Psalm 145:18)

Remind us just how close You are, waiting to hear from us…


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