Jan 10, 2006 09:49
I really hate the holidays, I guess because I am an only child and I dont have enough family around my age to begin with. I dont really get anything for Christmas but money so that's why I am usually so misrable. My significant other was out partying with his family all during the holidays... and not that I'm mad that he didnt invite me because he did to one dinner, Im not ready for all that shit yet. Once the family meets you, you have to etheir kiss their ass or make some type of impression, that way they wont encourage their son to stop dating you. Then New Year's came, I dont even want to go in to that... I just want to end by saying I really hate FAT jewish men right now. What was pulled that night.. was evil..... my opposite stood up for me but still.... and then I went and saw Cherise...... disaster strikes again........ damn it. This was the worst holiday ever...especially since I had to work the whole holiday. Those ungrateful bastards can really kiss my fuckin ass.
I remember when I was in high school, my girls and I thought dating was in seasons, if you are looking for a relationship, its better to start on in the fall, because no one is really looking during the winter time.. everyone is hibernating. Then in the spring if you guys aren't serious yet or you are starting to have doubts you break up with them because Spring is when people start to dress nice and start going out more.. and if you think you are gonna find someone in Summer... good luck.. i mean if you are looking for something serious anyway...lol.
I dont know how long my significant other and are going to last. I dont know how long I can take the Warcraft shit, his fat jewish friend and his carefree ways. But lately he's been trying.. he gave me the best Christmas present this year. Last Friday was one of the most painful days I had for a long time but ended on a good note...Sunday was much much better.
It's been etheir 4 or 5 months.... ok we will see.