May 06, 2008 22:14
Kristina's bachelorette party was Saturday night. It was fun, etc etc. And from it, I've got a public service message: I think that every female over the age of 22 (logic behind that: from 18 to 22, you've no idea what you're doing but you do it well anyway) ought to take a burlesque dancing class. Not strip, not pole (although it looks nifty, it sounds like too much work... and who has a pole in their house, anyways?) -- burlesque has this fabulous mixture of coquettishness, sex and mind games (the benign kind) that puts all the power in the dancer's hands. Removing no more than one glove in a three-minute routine that keeps an audience of men and women captivated? An aesthethic where the curvier your frame, the better you look? (And if you're not so curvy, you can still pull it off.) It's all about being comfortable with who you are, and showing it off however you choose. I think my best friends would enjoy it, I think my mom would enjoy it, I think everyone's significant other would enjoy the confidence... and, y'know, whatever else you took from it. (Aside: not entirely sure the world is ready for male burlesque. i'm certainly not.) So. Do it!