Aug 23, 2008 17:01
Being single is lame. It's not bad except when people hate you for the wrong reasons. If you're reading this, you know who you are. Look, I didn't think it was any of her business to know what him & I did or didn't do. The only thing that WAS her concern was WHEN shit happened. FYI, it happened way after they broke up. Speaking of which, unlike you, I was trying to save their relationship, despite whatever you want to believe now. I didn't know at the time that I would come to like him. When we'd go walking, all we talked about was you & her. We tried to fix each other's relationships by talking out what bothered us so that we could go to each of you coherently and not in screaming fits. I'm tired of defending myself to you. You're the douche here. You sent me to the ONE place I'm genuinely terrified of going. On top of that, it was in handcuffs at the back of a cop car. You want to feel vindicated or happy that you tried to ruin my life? Well, be happy about this: I'm now traumatized about people caring about me. If you ever fucking cared, you wouldn't have done that to me.
You know what they did? The took me to Larkin, drew blood, made me pee in a cup, & then made me put on a gown before leaving me to sit ALL FUCKING NIGHT in the stupid bed. I wasn't allowed to walk anywhere or do anything. At 1:30, they told me that the "doctor" wouldn't be in until 8 or 9 in the morning. So, he'd see me at around 10. Oh, by 3 am, my hips were in agony. They still wouldn't let me walk out of my cage; excuse me my ER room, so we begged for some Ibuprofen pills. You know what they fucking gave me??? at around 4:30, they gave my two shots in my arm (they wanted to put it in my butt, which would've meant that the pain I was already in would've been worse & I wouldn't have been able to walk in the morning). All the fucking dual shots did was make my arm hurt & gave me uncontrollable spasms for the next 6 & a half hours. The "doctor" saw me in the morning, pronounced me sane & let me go. So honestly, you can go fuck yourself, JUST FOR THAT! I haven't bothered to say my piece, & trust me, I'm only saying about a paragraph on my piece now. You want to act like you're doing right by the universe? Well, maybe we could find a way to fuck you over half as bad as you've done to me. I genuinely hope you'll be happy one day, so that when you lose it AGAIN, because you're an idiot, I can just shake my head & remember that it was just the universe doing right by YOU. So really, have a nice life.
Ooh, on a different note, I was attacked the other night. Boy am I tired of my stalker. On top of that, now I have a really bad tonsil infection. It's only on one side though, which is lame
my bit