Return from LA!

Apr 18, 2008 17:19

I had a relatively good day nearly fell apart in the afternoon because my brain never works during eighth period, but...whatever. I'm not going to let Akerins get me down. She's a bitch. I'm aware of this. Let's just move on.

One of the surprises of the day was how much time I spent with a group of people I once spoke unkindly of, the "clique" which is led by my ex-best friend Ryn and her boyfriend Morgan. I chilled with only three or so members of the clique and they talked about Schyler who just...meh. Hate that boy. I owe him some respect for (literally) giving me a shoulder to cry on a little more than a year ago. But that's it.

I have apparently gained a reputation for being "gay" in Literary Arts and I'm not sure if that's good or not. My "break" with Chase is over and we decided to focus on "no more drama." God, my thoughts are sporadic today...but you know what, that's okay because I am a "wild, succulent woman." And that means I get to write erotic poetry about the word "succulent" among other events.

fabulous friends, teachers, school

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