Facebook-Related Ponderings

Apr 12, 2008 10:02

If I change my profile picture to another image of me with another person, does it jinx the relationship?
I had to change it not too long ago after I discovered that Michael Brendler had one and because we had parted ways long before and it felt awkward still making his influence in my life public.
My current image is one of Chase and me, dated January 2007. Now that we're on a break, is it appropriate to keep it? We're technically not communicating, but the break is--as hinted by the word "break"--temporary. Which means there's a possibility that we can restart from here.
And if I change it, will that superstitiously affect my relationship with that person? I actually hate changing profile pics on Facebook and I don't want to change it to say, the Photoshop image of sphix and me, if we--god forbid--break up a week later and I have to change it again.
Puzzling situation...

facebook, friends

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