(no subject)

Dec 22, 2007 10:58

Yesterday was incredible. Today is promising.
I really do love the holiday season. Even though every year I end up with a thousand pounds of angst and despair, by the time Christmas rolls around I'm happier than I am during a normal season. Yesterday was just...so wonderful because I spent it with so many awesome people: Chasey, Baby, Rubi, Anna, Ashley (who starts school at OSA the same day break ends), Mr. Cogmon, Ginger, Bethany, Blarkin, Danny...

My meeting with Cogmon was amazing. I love that man.

I spent all evening with First Covenant people. We went to a Salvation Army shelter in Fruitvale and then headed off to Pier 39 where Bethany's Angels (Anna, Ashley and me) did a scavenger hunt involving fill-in-the-blanks, answering bizarre questions, taking funny photos and locating images. We never finished all of it and we got sick of the place about an hour before the thing ended.

Even though there's not much style so Nate would be pissed, my hair looks fabulous. I'm wearing a beautiful red scarf/shirt, the necklace Anna gave me for Christmas, the earrings Chasey gave me for my sixteenth birthday and the most comfortable socks I own. I'm excited for Sarah's party--the sad thing is that I still have a few hours before I can leave.

holidays, friends

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