Good things today

Nov 19, 2007 16:55

Nate's bliss good, it's obnoxious.

And I just heard from Mom who got the word from Blarkin: the Winter Ball this year will MOST LIKELY be in my dad's church's Fellowship Hall. Most. Surreal. Thing. Ever. I like, grew up in this place. Seeing OSA people grind there will probably scar me for life.

I got official word from Duarte-Clark (though I already knew from Facebook stalking): Yza's coming home. Facebook stalking gave me the exact date, December 12th. Which means she'll be home for the stage readings. And I can totally see her "stopping by" the Playwriting class the day before Winter Break or whatever.
Which is...the day before I see the Canadian Bitch.
Niiiiiiice timing!

I'm going on a "double date" with Anna as an excuse to meet Nate's boyfriend. My life wins.


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