Aina ihmeelliseen unimaailmaan

Jun 19, 2010 11:41

Comment if you'd like a color. Then list ten things that you like/love which are that color.
And lostxfairytale gave me blue~ I kind of cheated but pfffft. 8D

These are not in any particular order. 8D

1. Sky

Because sky is pretty~ *w*

2. Moomin house

Moomins are love and when I was a kid I wanted a house like that. I still kind of want a house like that. 8D But on the other hand, I want many kinds of houses nowadays pffffft.

3. Germany`s eyes

Or any other blue eyes but Germany was the first person that popped into my mind. 8`D

4. My awesome fox cup

<3 <3

5.Ciel`s ring

Ppppffft my lovely editing~ But I like it, it`s so bling~~

6. Russian Earl Grey

My new love~<3 And yes, that is a tea flavor if someone doesn`t know.

7. Blueberries

*w* I can`t wait autumn and these to be ready to be eaten aaaaa~<3

8. Valio Maito(milk) starts the cheating. Or maybe it started with the tea package but pfffft. 8`D I know milk itself isn`t blue but... our milk carton is blue-ish so.. 8D And I like milk. Very much.

9. Fazer`s Blue (chocolate)

The wrapper again, so blue and all. And chocolate is love. <3

10. Blue rose

...this was random. 8D I couldn`t come up anything anymore so I put blue in Google and one option was blue rose so I clicked it and...oh, these are kinda pretty~ And it reminds me of this:

so why not. *w*

This meme was fun to do but I realized it`s kinda hard to find blue things that really are blue. Like those milk, tea and chocolates there but anyway. Blue isn`t my favorite colour so maybe that`s it but I had fun nonethless. *w*

-I`m going to bake today many things. Use all my flours and stuff. Because I feel like doing so. It`s gonna be fun. And then I will sew Gilbert a bit, maybe do those sleeves. Yeah.

-....EUROPE. WHAT. IS. WRONG. WITH.YOU. YOU CALL THAT A FOOTBALL. YOU FUCKERS. D8 Slovenia is doing kind of good but... SPAIN. GERMANY. ENGLAND. WHAT. WHAT. *the one who shouldn`t care about football, she is from Finland, hockey is everything you need.* D8

football is srs bsns, pictures, meme, cosplay

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