Apr 06, 2006 09:50
Goody Powders save my ass all time. I should write that company a letter and tell them how marvelously brilliant they are. The moving in is not going as fast as I'd like and I think thats due to our cable being installed...and Alex raiding BestBuy with his gift certificates. Oh well, I have gotten the kitchen a little organized, but the dining room looks like all our boxes threw up on the table and floor. We are making progress. Slowly, but surely. My job interview went okay. I think the lady liked me. I saw her clip board and she wrote good things about me. I wont know until next Wednesday if I've gotten the job or not cause she doesnt work again until then. Its a full time Vet-Tech position and I'd only work 4 days a week, ten hours a day. Its an insanely hard job, but if I like it, I'll go back to school and get certified...fuck it. I am tired of waiting around to figure out that 'perfect' job. Just crossing my fingers that someone with experience doesnt actually apply for this postion. Well, I have to soothe a screaming cockatiel, so I'm fucked in trying to do anything constructive at all.