Jul 10, 2006 12:26
hey hoes !!!! im so frickin excitede me and kyle hung out for a while and hes so sweet and cring then fter work i hung out with henry KOOLEST GUY EVER lol hes so frickin awesome im glad we r tlakin again !!!!
ok william is really mad at me but i just cant answer to him anymore i CANT i WONT i do not hve to nswer to anyone and i do not hve to ask permission its frickin aaawesome nad im not willing to give it u Williaam thinks we r gona get back together and u have no idea how much i want too but i want too much l8er and its not fair if he waits i mean wut if he waaits for me and then i end up faalling in lvoe with someone else i mean that would be BAD i dont think this is gona happpen im just sayin....
ok so the hurrican is coming not kool the net will prob be down for a couple of dayz
ok if u kno wut im tlkin bout im sooooo THT rite now kites r awesome
hmmmmm lets see im really just kindaa mellow nd shit not a care in the world NONE i love life looking thro these eyezz ive always has seen it s i want to grow up and get mrried hve three kidz with a husband who has a steday job and life would be perfect id kno my real mom ndmy parents now wouldnt hate me nymore
now im not sure thts wut i want since i started working aat the restraaunt i have seen how other people live there lifes r not perfect i mean they live paycheck to pay check and its so spontneous no rules no nothing i mean they c ome in to pick up shifts so they have enough $ to do this and that but they still mnage to hve enough for aaalchol nd drugz i mean im not syin thats wut i wnt to do im just syin its sooooo exciting i mean it just is ... its so kool but i dunno its just summtin i like nd i cnt ask certin people to do that especiaally when it sounds like i dont wnt them to be succesful its just the excitement of never knowing wuts gon happen but just tkin the shit as it comes nd drinking it away tht ntie nd then forgettting bout it the next morning and just diff. partners i men its just so exciting
next thing is i relly hope kt is ok with me nd kyle kind hngin out ... i hope she is cuz i lvoe him to deth
ummmmmm this is long one nd its like frickin 1 in da morning so im gon go and enjoy the feeling i hve nd go to sleep
and horny