My Spanish vacation, Part Dos

Oct 02, 2013 08:50

Marbella - Mijas - Ronda

Southern Spain... sunny, hot, flowers, palm trees, cactae and the beautiful Mediterranean. Where am I really? Loved this area. This is also where my BIL calls home since retiring. Who can blame him? The weather is near perfect, the people are so friendly, the food is great, the wine is CHEAP and the scenery is breathtaking. There is a general sense of timelessness which is perfect for a stress-free life.

Some pics to bear witness...

Marbella is a resort town right on the coast, where the well-to-do like to holiday.

A typical street in the Old Town...

The center square...

A really typical Spanish village in the hills...

The local "taxi" service...

And of course, Ewan's hideaway in Spain... :)))

Ronda... An impressive town built either side of a gorge.

The bridge that links the two sides...

I've run out of time... i'll post the rest in subsequent posts. Gotta work now.
Have a swell day!

via ljapp

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