Jun 23, 2009 12:22
So I got back from the clinic. I am very loopy from all the vicodin, anaprox, valium, and torajol (?) they gave me.
Everyone was nice and patient. I actually got to watch the insertion. It was pretty cool to watch. (I'm not squeamish at all when i comes to watching blood or getting injections)
There was ALOT of pain when the first coil was inserted. My fallopian tube entry was at a weird angle, so it took a while. The pain might have also been from the saline they pumped into my cervix.
The second coil was no problem. I barely felt a thing. I do have cramping and aching from the side where I had the pain from the first insertion. Nothing terrible. I do have a bit of spotting, from the blood and saline.
Overall it was totally worth it :)
I did mention, during the pain, "I'm trying to remind myself how much more it would hurt if it was childbirth!"
Cindy the nurse responded, "Not only that, you have to take it home and raise it!" LOL
Thanks everyone for all the support and advice you guys gave me these past couple of months. It really helped make this whole process less nerve wracking :)
I can now let out a sigh of relief. I am sterilized (well not for another 3 mos). I feel great and aniexty, doubts or pre-procedure jitters are completely gone. This was the right choice.
I can't wait from the HSG appointment. I hope my tubes will be fully occluded by 3 months! :)
Thank you guys! *Hugs & Love*
I shall now go take a nap!