Sometimes I wonder why
I'm such a bitch.
Not that there's anything
wrong with it.
I enjoy people's tears
instead of giving them
my own.
That's okay.
being nice is overrated.
I just don't
like to bullshit.
Scratch that.
I bullshit
for pleasure.
To feel good.
Not to make myself look
better in front of others.
I'll be a mean old lady
with a hundred hamsters.
a fist full of nitroglycerin,
hopped up on acetylcholine.
hosing kids with hot water.
Just for the hell of it.
Just to remember.
Outside a taco shop,
I saw kids passing leaflets
protesting about issues
they know nothing about.
While an Adult stood near by
waving his poster,
with a big shit-eating grin.
So I flipped them off,
while people whined,
‘What a big meanie you are!’ ‘It’s not their fault!’ ‘They are being exploited!’
Doesn’t change the fact
that they are mindless idiots
So fuck them all.
Damn crotchdroppings.
I go to taco shops
for tacos.