Yo so i haven ben postin in like maad long man but i wud like to ask how everyone likez ma scooter? yo i can go like 100 miles on dat shit man an like pay 4 ducketz to fill it! an dat shit goez like 40 an shit dawg
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Yo so i be so x-ited, i got me new tires fo ma fun scootah WAAAT! Ma whip be kickin b-IZARZZ!!!! Loca be rippin donutz an shit yo. I gots ta get ma nut fixed.
yo so lass nite i be stayin home frum skoo an shit bangin booty an dat night at da club i saw ma homie dawnnie who be chillin dere bein da guard an shit an i be like WAAAT! dis nigga be da craziest latino wit da craziest fro nigga! he look like dat latino kiid on Old School, dat movie be crazy dawg. yo PAYCE