Being judgmental has been the bane of my existence

Feb 23, 2015 21:02

Being judgmental really does suck. After a particularly bad rush hour and applying my moral compass to every driver I thought was acting like an ass. While wishing the world could change and not be so depressing it occurred to me. I’ve had this thought brewing for years, “why do I spend my precious thinking time on this crap.” I could be thinking about the book I was reading. The conversation last night. The painting I never seem to start. Then voila.
Next time you find yourself being judgmental realize you’re not thinking about yourself enough. It sounds selfish but ultimately I think it’s as easy as that. drink a fancy coffee… see a show… Imagine your favorite thought ...take a class ...start that painting or project... eat a donut for goodness sakes!
Next time you find yourself obsessed or being hyper critical of your self perhaps you should think about other people more. Do something nice! Compliment your friends and partner… donate to a responsible charity that makes a difference. Call your Mom!
break the cycle.
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