An oldie but goodie entry from way back rethought

Apr 19, 2013 22:31

It seems to me that religion is partly to blame for our current apathetic and or malignant society. Yeah, yeah, that sounds a little crass and more-over it makes me sound out of touch with the larger majority of people that gain benefit from their local place of worship. But hear me out. When civilizations were first being formed it was probably a good idea to incorporate religion into a society to keep people in line . You can't kill that guy because you'll go to hell and burn forever. Well, today, I think religion is killing us. IBG - UBG ( I Be Gone - You Be Gone). Just like the problems with the economy right now. Those banking jokers don't worry about the effects of their schemes because they're not holding the loan anymore - they've passed it on and gotten their cut. Well we don't really have to worry about humanity because we'll be dead and gone and you'll be dead and gone and we'll all live in a magically perfect place called heaven. So what does it matter. We don't really have to achieve anything in life accept a clean heart that we've made sure to wash before croaking. What if we as a species didn't believe in a heaven anymore. What if we believed that after death there was nothing. zilch. That what we do with our lives right now is all that we have. Would we cure cancer, would we have solved the energy problem or would we still believe ibg - ubg.

A more religion-friendly solution would be for religion itself to start caring about some of these issues. Will that ever happen on any mass scale? I doubt it. But I would certainly have more respect for organized religion if it did.
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