Okay, so I'm stupid.

Jun 06, 2006 09:56

I have this completely irrational fear of today, 6.6.06. I can only attribute it to living in the Bible belt for my entire life, and being surrounded by Southern Baptists, who taught me that the "mark of the beast" was a baaaaaaaaaaad number. I know that this calendar was contrived by humans, and there are misinterpretations of numbers, and the millenium was all off, and I don't care. I've been this close to panic attack for about four days now, and I'll just be glad when today is over.

Yesterday, after I confirmed that my boyfriend was, in fact, alive (sorry about the billions of filtered posts yesterday), I went to class. Biochemistry. We have 5 exams and a comprehensive final in 16 class days (4 days a week x 4 weeks). So I have an exam over everything I learned in organic chemistry (which wasn't much) on Wednesday and an exam on Thursday on actual biochem stuff. Then an exam for the next 2 Thursdays. Then an exam on Wednesday and a comprehensive final on Thursday. Doesn't that sound like FUN?!?!?!

So after class I went to Books A Million and bought a Barron's organic chemistry review book. Then I met my study group for studying in the student lounge in Sugar Hall. Studied for about 2.5 hours, then went to the ebomb to chill with eastfarthing and mid_git. We headed to Chile Verde for dinner, where we were joined by the sweaty moosemcfiend.

After dinner, Brad and I went back to my house. I soon realized that I had forgotten to buy something that I really needed for work today. So we went back to Michael's to purchase it. Yay. Then he bought me Eskamoe's ice cream! Okay, their "Icebox" banana split is AMAZING. After ice cream, we spent some quality time at my house before he left to go to sleep, 'cause he had to be at work at 6am today.

Then I finished my book. I'm now starting The Duke by Gaelen Foley, which was recommended to me by someone. I just don't remember who.

Okay, you guys. Have a great day. Don't get eaten by demons or succumb to the end of the world, okay?

brad, reading, biochemistry, conway, kristi, books, nikki, eskamoe's, fear, chemistry

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