[ Voice / Video ]

May 17, 2009 12:03

Would everyone just get off my fuckin' case, already? So I slugged the fuckin' smug bastard. So what? Or is everyone gonna suddenly start protecting him, now?

[ A few more grumbled curse words before the thud of dropping the communicator. A few beeps and fumbling as he tries to turn it off, but instead turns on the video feature.

He is behind the bar at the Lux despite having told Michael he wasn't coming in. The communicator is on the bar top, looking up at him from beside his elbow. He just sits there for about a minute, hunched over and looking generally irritated. He brings a glass up to take a drink, but hesitates. His eye twitches and the hand resting on the bar tenses. He sits still for a few moments, before setting the glass down so hard the drink sloshes out. Snarling, he brings both hands to his head and scratches furiously at his scalp.

A sudden jerk and he bumps the communicator, sending it to the floor where the video goes to static before shutting off. ]

balthazar is a creeper, pissed off, the lux, evil crystal balls suck, work work work, oblivious, welcome, voice, screw you guys, unaware, accidental post, alcohol is necessary, annoyed, announcement, lice, communicators are dumb

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