New Depeche Mode and a strange coincidence...

Apr 06, 2009 14:20

New Depeche Mode is pretty good. A little mellow, but a good album. Less guitar this time around. I did find a very strange coincidence though... The track In Sympathy sounds like a rip off of Entluften's Different Shades Of Grey. The bass line is almost identical. Strange. They even used a similar bass synth. When I get a chance, I'll post a sample of both tracks for you to draw your own conclusions.

Has anyone noticed that LJ has kind of died? I used to check it daily and always see something new. Now I can go days, sometimes a week without more than one or two posts. I understand there are other places to post and that some people just don't do it anymore... its still kind of sad that at one point in time, it was like a window to the world and what all my friends have been up to. Now its just dead here. I know we all have lives and that this is not the place to live them, but doesn't anyone have anything worth sharing anymore? Has the economy crushed our spirit to the point that we are all just so boring that theres nothing worth talking about?
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