these are from footloose - holla. i <3 them lolol they're hilarious. notice how christina looks exactly the same in every picture, yet in every picture i look like a freak with a different pose:
me being sexy.. ahaha i wish.
i was trying SO hard not to get the squinty eyes, but it did not work =[
yeah god only knows why i was laughing..
i'm not on crack i swear!
oh the silliness that is me and christina...
we are TOO hot
wowser.. just.. wow...
7 attempts and not a single decent picture. we're just too hot - the camera can't capture our sexiness
alla, diana, and christina.. cute picture - of course i'm not in it. =P lol j/k
me and alla (who look like we're laughing) and di doing something weird with her mouth. GOSSIP WHORES FO LIFEEEE!! HOLLERRRRR!!
that's all i got for now. maybe some more after tomorrow night - or something like that..
and now onto my report card - i did awesome actually. better than i had expected. i made principal's list, but only because my mom faught ms. ryan about my religion grade. she gave me a b+ for no apparent reason, and that was the one thing that kept me off principal's list. my mom was pissed... i didn't really care. it's just a title, anyway.
on a different note, footloose was awesome. all of those practices they did paid off and it showed. they were amazing - ash, maria, meghan, rosanna, val, and steph - congrats you did great!
i'm going to the show again tomorrow because i have to usher - but i get to see the performance again so that should be fun.
btw - i <3 pickle lolol he's too hot for words...