here are some pictures from the fashion show.. enjoy:
me with my squinty eyes and kelly t - her eyes look super pretty
me and kerri! this is a sexy picture of me no doubt lol kerri you def should have worn sneakers lol
meghan me and danielle you guys rock my cockk =]
me (lookin cross-eyed) and rosanna<33
me and vickyy - aka my twin hahah
me and christina! i <3 this picture - you look so pretty
fran and ashlynn you guys are the best no doubt
me and danielle<3 what would i do without you? umm i know - i would never hand in homework lolol
me and fran - you're awesome fran <3 yaa
me and ash! you're too fuckin funny ash i <3 youu
me and di - we got mad close diana i <3 you you're too muchh
us on the runway we look so cool lol - what is ashlyn laughing at? lol
us on the runway but this time we're posing! lolol it's funny how the two who were models in the fashion show are the ones not modeling in this picture lol
cute pic but di is looking away lol
another one and di is looking!
everyone but the models lol they were getting changed <33