Well it's been two days now, and I didn't cry this time around like the last time he was elected, but things seem bleak. I worry. And I just can't get over that it was my own demographic, counterparts outside of New England that put him there. I have never felt more alienated from my country than I do now, even as nearly everyone on my social media and everyone I work with is sharing common feelings in reaction. How can this be? I don't consider myself to be a particularly empathetic person, at least not more than average. But when I think of this demographic, I can't help but think, where is your sense of decency?
Girls without access to healthcare should not die because they happen to be pregnant and in their state doctors are too frightened of prosecution to care for them or end the life of a wanted but unborn child. This is happening right now.
So many thoughts in my head than many others have already said. This is heartbreaking, and yet I am one of the lucky privileged ones that doesn't (yet) suffer the struggles these others, and those in less liberal areas suffer. But when federal funding starts getting cut, there will be more people on the street, and more people unable to get medical care.
I have no children to worry about, care for or feed. I remember the last time he was elected. It was at that time that I knew I could not bring children into this world. But for my nieces and nephews, I have sorrow about the world they are growing up to be adults in.
Been feeling pretty emotional (internally) these last few days. I need to listen to some strings.