(no subject)

Nov 14, 2004 21:55

Depressed // bad, bleeding, blue, blue funk, bummed out, cast down, crestfallen, crummy, dejected, despondent, destroyed, disconsolate, dispirited, down, downcast, downhearted, dragged, fed up, glum, grim, hurting, in pain, let down, low, low down, low-spirited, lugubrious, melancholy, moody, morose, pessimistic, ripped, sad, sob story, spiritless, taken down, torn up, unhappy, weeper, woebegone, hollow, indented, pushed down, recessed, set back, sunken, cheapened, depreciated, deprived, destitute, devalued, distressed, ghetto, impaired, needy, poor, poverty-stricken, run-down, shanty, skid row, underprivileged, weakened, afflicted, burt, depressed, disturbed, grieving, harmed, injured, oppressed, pained, peeved, persecuted, saddened, unhappy, woeful, worried.
Rejected // abandoned, alone, cast aside, cast away, cast off, deserted, discarded, dissipated, dropped, eliminated, empty, forgotten, forsaken, friendless, given up, jilted, left, left alone, left behind, neglected, outcast, passed up, pigeonholed, relinquished, shunned, side-tracked, sidelined, stranded, unoccupied, vacant, vacated, lonely, abandoned, alone, apart, bummed out, by oneself, comfortless, companionless, deserted, desolate, destitute, disconsolate, down, empty, estranged, forsaken, friendless, godforsaken, homeless, isolated, left, lone, lonesome, outcast, reclusive, rejected, renounced, secluded, single, solitary, troglodytic, unattended, unbefriended, uncherished, unsocial, withdrawn, undesirable, abominable, annoying, bothersome, defective, disagreeable, disliked, displeasing, distasteful, dreaded, icky, inadmissible, incommodious, inconvenient, inexpedient, insufferable, loathed, loathsome, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, outcast, repellent, repugnant, scorned, shunned, troublesome, unacceptable, unattractive, unlikable, unpleasing, unpopular, unsatisfactory, unsavory, unsought, unsuitable, unwanted, unwelcome, unwished for, useless, unpopular, abhorred, avoided, creepy, despised, detested, dippy, disesteemed, disfavored, disliked, drip, dumpy, execrated, goon, gross, loathed, loser, lousy, nerd, obnoxious, ostracized, out, pain, ratty, rejected, scorned, shunned, sleazeball, sleazy, stinky, turkey, unaccepted, unattractive, uncared for, undesirable, unloved, unvalued, unwanted, unwelcome, weird, wimpy, zombie, unwelcomed, blackballed, disagreeable, displeasing, distasteful, exceptionable, excess baggage, excluded, ill-favored, inadmissible, lousy, objectionable, obnoxious, rejected, repellent, shut out, thankless, unacceptable, unasked, undesirable, uninvited, unpleasant, unpopular, unsought, unwanted, unwished for.
Isolated // abandoned, abnormal, alone, anomalous, apart, backwoods, confined, cool, deserted, detached, exceptional, far out, forsaken, hidden, incommunicado, lonely, lonesome, out-of-the-way, outlying, random, remote, retired, screened, secluded, segregated, sequestered, single, solitary, special, stranded, unaccompanied, unfrequented, unique, unrelated, untypical, unusual, withdrawn, alone, abandoned, apart, batching it, by itself, companionless, deserted, desolate, detached, forlorn, forsaken, friendless, hermit, in solitary, individual, lone, lonely, lonesome, onliest, only, shag, single, sole, solitary, solo, stag, traveling light, unaccompanied, unaided, unassisted, unattached, unattended, unescorted, unmarried, widowed, apart, afar, alone, aloof, aside, away, by itself, cut off, disassociated, disconnected, distant, distinct, divorced, excluded, exclusively, freely, independent, independently, individually, lone wolf, separated, separately, singly, special, to itself, broken, abandoned, dishonored, disobeyed, disregarded, ignored, infringed, retracted, traduced, transgressed, violated, deserted, bare, barren, bereft, cast off, derelict, desolate, empty, forlorn, forsaken, godforsaken, left, left stranded, lonely, lorn, neglected, relinquished, solitary, uncouth, uninhabited, unoccupied, vacant, desolate, abandoned, bare, bleak, derelict, desert, destroyed, dreary, empty, forsaken, godforsaken, lonely, lonesome, lorn, ruined, solitary, uncouth, unfrequented, uninhabited, unoccupied, unused, vacant, waste, wild, detached, disconnected, alone, apart, discrete, disjoined, divided, free, isolate, isolated, loose, loosened, removed, separate, severed, unaccompanied, unconnected, barren, forgotten, separate, private, abroad, abstracted, apart, apart, arm's length, asunder, away, backwoods, beyond range, boonies, far, far back, far off, far-flung, far-off, farther, further, in background, in distance, inaccessible, indirect, indirect, isolated, not home, obscure, out-of-the-way, outlying, piece, remote, removed, retired, secluded, secret, separate, sequestered, sticks, telescopic, unapproachable, ways, wide of, yonder, distant, faraway, forsaken, cast off, derelict, deserted, desolate, destitute, disowned, forlorn, friendless, godforsaken, ignored, isolated, jilted, left behind, lonely, lorn, marooned, outcast, solitary, thrown over, uncouth.
Bored // fed up, disgusted, annoyed, blasé, blue, depressed, discontented, dismal, dissatisfied, down, gloomy, glum, jaded, sated, satiated, surfeited, tired, weary, apathetic, cloyed, cool, disenchanted, disentranced, fed up, glutted, indifferent, jaded, knowing, laid back, lukewarm, mellow, mondaine, offhand, satiated, sick of, sophisticate, sophisticated, surfeited, unconcerned, unexcited, uninterested, unmoved, weary, world-weary, blasé, nonchalant, inattentive, negligent, absent, absent-minded, apathetic, blind, careless, deaf, distracted, distrait, distraught, diverted, dreamy, faraway, flighty, giddy, heedless, in clouds, inadvertent, indifferent, inobservant, listless, lost, musing, neglectful, oblivious, off guard, preoccupied, rapt, regardless, remiss, removed, scatterbrained, thoughtless, unconscious, undiscerning, unheeding, unmindful, unnoticing, unobservant, unobserving, unperceiving, unthinking, unwatchful, vague, woolgathering, jaded, blah, blasé, cool, dulled, exhausted, fagged out, fatigued, fed up, had it, laid back, mellow, satiated, sick of, spent, surfeited, tired, tired-out, wearied, weary, worn, worn-down, worn-out, listless, absent, abstracted, apathetic, blah, careless, dormant, dreamy, drowsy, dull, easygoing, energyless, enervated, faint, heavy, heedless, impassive, inanimate, inattentive, indifferent, indolent, inert, insouciant, lackadaisical, lagging, laid back, languid, languishing, languorous, leaden, lethargic, lifeless, limp, lukewarm, lymphatic, mopish, neutral, passive, phlegmatic, slack, sleepy, slow, sluggish, stupid, supine, thoughtless, torpid, uninterested, vacant, sick, blasé, disgusted, displeased, jaded, revolted, satiated, tired, weary, tired, exhausted, annoyed, asleep, beat, beat up, broken-down, burned out, collapsing, consumed, distressed, dog-tired, done for, done in, drained, drooping, droopy, drowsy, empty, enervated, exasperated, fagged, faint, fatigued, fed up, finished, flagging, haggard, irked, irritated, jaded, narcoleptic, overtaxed, overworked, petered out, played out, pooped, pooped out, prostrated, run-down, sick of, sleepy, spent, stale, tuckered out, wasted, weary, whacked, worn, worn out, uninterested, oblivious to, aloof, apathetic, blase, bored stiff, casual, detached, disinterested, distant, hard-hearted, impassive, incurious, indifferent, listless, remote, thick-skinned, turned off, unconcerned, uncurious, uninvolved, unresponsive, weary, withdrawn, weary, tired, all in, beat, bone-tired, bored stiff, browned-off, burned out, bushed, crispy, dead, dead tired, discontented, disgusted, dog-tired, done in, drained, drooping, drowsy, enervated, exhausted, fagged, fatigued, fed up, flagging, had it, ho-hum, impatient, indifferent, jaded, knocked out, overworked, pooped, punchy, sick, sleepy, spent, taxed, wearied, wearing, whacked, wiped out, worn out, zonked
Scream // cry out, bawl, bellow, blare, caterwaul, holler, howl, jar, roar, screak, screech, shout, shriek, shrill, sing out, squeal, voice, wail, yell, yip, yowl, outcry, cry, high-pitched sound, holler, howl, screech, shriek, wail, yell, yelp, funny thing, card, character, comedian, comic, entertainer, guffaw, hoot, howl, joker, laugh, panic, riot, sensation, sidesplitter, wit, alarm, warning, alert, bell, blast, buzzer, call, caution, clock, cry, drum, flap, flash, forewarning, gong, high sign, horn, nod, scramble, shout, sign, signal, siren, SOS, squeal, tip, tip off, tocsin, trumpet, warning, whistle, amusing, funny, agreeable, ball, boffo, camp, campy, charming, cheerful, cheering, comical, cut-up, delightful, diverting, droll, enchanting, engaging, enjoyable, entertaining, fun, gas, gladdening, gratifying, gut-busting, hoot, humorous, interesting, jocular, jokey, joshing, laughable, lively, merry, pleasant, pleasing, priceless, riot, screaming, side-splitting, witty, bawl, yell, bark, bellow, bluster, call, cheer, clamor, holler, howl, roar, rout, screech, shout, shriek, vociferate, yell, bellow, holler, bark, bawl, bay, beller, blare, bluster, bray, call, clamor, cry, howl, low, roar, rout, scream, shout, shriek, wail, whoop, yawp, yell, yelp, blare, trumpet, bellow, blast, boom, bray, clamor, clang, honk, hoot, peal, resound, roar, shout, shriek, sound out, toot, trumpet, blast, sound, bang, blare, blow, burst, clang, clap, crack, din, honk, peal, roar, scream, slam, smash, toot, trumpet, wail, call, announce, arouse, awaken, bawl, bellow, cry, cry out, exclaim, hail, holler, hoot, howl, proclaim, roar, rouse, screech, shout, shriek, vociferate, waken, whoop, yawp, yowl.
Give up // abandon, desert, abdicate, back out, bail out, bow out, cast off, chicken out, cop out, cut loose, deep six, desert, discard, discontinue, disown, ditch, drift away, drop, drop out, duck, dump, dust, forsake, give up, kiss goodbye, lay aside, leave, leave behind, let go, pull out, quit, reject, relinquish, renounce, ship out, slide, stop, storm out, strand, surrender, throw over, throw overboard, toss over, vacate, walk, withdraw, yield, abdicate, abandon, abjure, abnegate, bail out, cede, disclaim, drop, forgo, leave, quit, relinquish, renounce, repudiate, resign, retire, sell out, step down, surrender, vacate, waive, withdraw, yield, abstain, hold back, abjure, abnegate, avoid, cease, constrain, curb, decline, deny oneself, do without, eschew, evade, fast, forbear, forgo, give up, keep from, pass, pass up, quit, refrain, refuse, renounce, shun, sit out, spurn, starve, stop, withhold, back down, withdraw, abandon, accede, admit, back off, back out, back pedal, backtrack, balk, beg off, cancel, chicken out, concede, cop out, defeat, demur, give in, hold back, recant, recoil, renege, resign, retreat, surrender, take back, withdraw, yield, break, stop, abandon, cut, discontinue, interrupt, pause, rest, suspend, capitulate, bow, buckle under, cave in, cede, come across, concede, defer, fold, give out, give up, knuckle under, put out, relent, submit, succumb, surrender, yield, cede, surrender, abalienate, abandon, abdicate, accord, alien, alienate, allow, capitulate, communicate, concede, convey, deed, drop, fold, fork over, give in, give up, grant, hand over, leave, make over, part with, relinquish, remise, renounce, resign, sign over, transfer, vouchsafe, waive, yield, accede, accord, acquiesce, adhere to, agree to, cave in, come around, conform to, consent to, cry uncle, defer, discharge, fit in, fold, fulfill, give in, give out, keep, knuckle to, knuckle under, mind, obey, observe, perform, play ball, put out, quit, respect, satisfy, shape up, straighten up, submit, yes one, yield, abide by, comply, concede, acknowledge, accept, accord, admit, allow, avow, award, capitulate, cave in, cede, confess, ditto, fess up, fold, grant, hand over, knuckle under, let on, own, own up, quit, relinquish, say uncle, surrender, waive, yield, consent, agree, accede, accept, acquiesce, allow, approve, assent, bless, comply, concede, concur, fold, give in, knuckle under, let, okay, permit, roll over, sanction, say uncle, subscribe, yield.
Breaking // alienation, unfriendliness, breach, breaking off, coolness, disaffection, diverting, division, divorce, estrangement, indifference, remoteness, rupture, separation, turning away, variance, withdrawal, breakup, parting, breakdown, crackup, disintegration, dispersal, dissolution, divorce, ending, parting, rift, separation, split, splitting, termination, dissolution, separation, breaking up, detachment, disintegration, disunion, division, divorce, divorcement, estrangement, parting, partition, resolution, rupture, split-up, division, analysis, apportionment, autopsy, bisection, breaking down, breaking up, carving, concession, contrasting, cutting up, demarcation, departmentalizing, detaching, detachment, diagnosis, disconnection, disjuncture, dismemberment, disparting, disseverance, dissolution, distinguishing, distribution, disunion, disuniting, dividing, divorce, parceling, parting, partition, reduction, rending, rupture, segmentation, selection, separating, severance, splitting up, subdivision, vivisection, escape, getaway, abdication, avoidance, AWOL, beat, bolt, break, breaking away, breakout, bypassing, circumvention, decampment, deliverance, departure, desertion, disappearance, dodging, ducking, elopement, elusion, elusiveness, eschewal, evasion, evasiveness, extrication, fadeout, flight, freedom, hegira, lam, leave, liberation, out, outbreak, powder, release, rescue, retreat, runaround, shunning, sidestepping, slip, spring, withdrawal, imaginative, creative, infraction, violation, breach, breaking, contravention, crime, error, faux pas, infringement, lapse, offense, sin, slip, transgression, trespass, limit, extent, absolute, ape, bitter end, border, bottom line, bottom out, bound, bourne, breaking point, brim, brink, cap, ceiling, check, circumscription, conclusion, confinement, confines, curb, cut-off point, deadline, destination, edge, end, end point, extremity, far out, farthest point, farthest reach, fence, finality, goal, limitation, margin, nines, obstruction, restraint, restriction, rim, termination, the max, ultimate, utmost, verge, acclimatization, adaptation, assimilation, bearings, breaking in, coordination, direction, familiarization, fix, introduction, location, position, settling in, orientation, adjustment.
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