Aug 18, 2004 03:35
You know when you wanna write but you’re fuckin tired, but you wanna write? I hope that somehow doesn’t happen during school this year… I wanna do good for once.
So, I woke up today to go to work and I just had a shitty feeling about the day. Joe needed a ride to work, so as we were on our way, I was telling Joe about how I just didn’t feel like going. I just was in one of those moods where I didn’t feel like dealing with people or being nice to anyone. It woulda been a good lab day (working in the lab, away from people you gotta be fake towards), but today wasn’t one of those. The first guy I help out was the husband of some lady I helped out before.. and they remembered me, but god knows I wouldn’t know them.. so they were all excited and talkative.. baah
ANYWAY.. that’s besides the point.. it went on like that all day till the end where I meet Joe outside the mall near my car (I was gonna drive him home).. and he’s holding a cat. I say, “What’s with the cat?” (Or something on those lines) and then I realize.. wait.. he’s also got a bag of food with that cat…..
Turns out some lady was arguing with her ex-boyfriend while dragging this cat (I really should say kitten.. its gotta be only a few months old) with a string around its neck. Joe gets concerned when she’s getting frantic about whatever while the boyfriend drives away. Joe tells her that he can take care of the cat for a while after overhearing that she’s now homeless.. so he gets a cat.
At first I was stoked on the idea… but, I don’t really know if this is such a good one. We agreed on not having pets in the house. It’s still a debate for me. Whatever will be done, if its not gonna live here, we would find it a good home… that home might not be here however.
We’ll see.
I also cut off all my hair. About a good 2 inches of it. Now it’s short and spiked. This is probably the second time in my life I’ve changed my hair… First time being long long ago, and I grew it back out anyway.. I think its good.. I hope its good!
Work bought me lunch again today cause we were so swamped and couldn’t do anything about it. I also got more of those customer reports saying that people liked my service.. so they gave me a starbucks gift card. That was pretty nice of them. I dunno how much is on it… I haven’t had a chance to use it… I’ve been too busy working. I see a flaw.
Thrice show is coming on the 22nd by the way. If you haven’t bought tickets, go to Bottom Of The Hill’s website and get them there. $10 if its not already sold out.. and it should be, cause to hear Dustin from Thrice play an acoustic guitar solo will be a religious experience. I plan to drink.
I’m sure there’s more.. but I’ll save it for my next bi-monthly post.
Night night.