Aug 01, 2004 23:00
There’s MAGIC at the FFFfFffAaaiIRrr!!!
I hate those commercials..
This town is so strange without school being in session. I almost forget there’s even a college in this town.. even though it’s about half a block from my front door. Oh well, I’m never home enough to notice my town anyway.
Speaking of college.. it starts in less than a month. I’m excited for it so everyone can come back.. pissed cause I wanna be lazy.. sorta.. and in-between because I really feel like learning stuff. I just want school without that whole.. school part.. AND I want a white chocolate mocha without the 3-dollar addendum. As well as bridge tolls to be back to the already-raping penalty of 2 dollars… and SOMEONE please fix the god damn 5-dollar charge to go over the Golden Gate! GAH, who gives a shit if its all famous… but that’s an old issue.. how’d I even get on that subject… I’m done now.
Happy news; I get to see Webby in a few days! It’s her b-day on the 28th too. She left for college and her parents moved out of the bay area and she’s due back for a few days, so I’m gonna go back to Danville for those days I’m off of work.. I know its not so exciting to read, but I’m stoked, so piss off.
I got new glasses too… woo.. AND cable in my room.
Spag and I were gonna go to Vegas, but work isn’t allowing time off work during August. That sucks. I was also suppose to go to SLO with Matty, and can’t do that anymore either. There were other planned trips that got tooled too. Sucks for me for not thinking ahead. Snooze and LOOSE.
I went to a bitchin’ concert the other day at Bottom of the Hill. It was Lawrence Arms, A Wilhelm Scream, The Cardinal Sin, and one other band (but they sucked so it doesn’t matter). You should look into those three ‘cause they were pretty damn good.
What else.. I’m sure there’s more. But oh well, your loss except not really ‘cause I’m the one who forgot.. I’m done now.