Happy Fucking Monday...

Oct 02, 2006 13:43

Ever have one of those days that you wish you could just rewind and start over? You know the ones... the ones you really do wish you never got out of bed for? Yeah... happy fucking monday!

1. The day starts off right when I got an email from my mother, letting me know that my Great Uncle Emitt passed away last night. I'm not sure of the exact cause of death, but I'm sure it was a complication that arose from being older than dirt. However, the fact that we all saw this coming doesn't make it any less sucktastic. I'll be spending the next 2 days on the road, going to and from the funeral.

2. Some nutmonkey hacked into the webserver one of our primary clients has been hosting all of their client websites on. Since shit rolls downhil, this is now our problem to deal with. Of course, we didn't know jack shit about this, nor do we have any of the login information or administration settings for that server, so there really isn't anything we can do about it, short of wiping the box down and starting over from scratch. This, by the way, is the same company who has no idea what a backup is... lovely.

3. To top things off, some crazy fucking wackjob thought it would be fun to bust in on an Amish school this mornin and execute several female students, before ventilating his own skull. An Amish... fucking... school... What the fuck? He had no apparent provocation, and the only reason the authorities can think of as to why he would shoot up an Amish school was because it was close to his house. Apparently this is the third fatal school housing shooting this week in this country...

Canada is looking better and better these days...

death, school shootings, bad news, hackers

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