Gonna get all pollitical on your ass!

Sep 29, 2006 15:59

Ok, so I was browsing my friends page and my friend evil_genius posted this picture:

That got me thinking about this video I saw on YouTube last night:

So yeah... I'm debating starting a betting pool on whether or not Bush is going to try to pass laws that extends the number of terms a candidate can spend in office... I swear, it never ends. At this rate, I'm gonna want to move to IRAQ by the time the next ellection comes around... at least there, I'll expect to be fucked in the ass by the government, instead of waking up one day to find a very large object wedged in a very uncomfortable place (and I'm not talking about the back of a VolksWagon).

To be fair, I can't assume that every word in that video is true, and I could tell the announcer was leading for parts of it. On the other hand, there is no denying that the retiring official was trying to justify the idea that the government didn't need probable cause. I would very much like to have heard the rest of his reply though, to get the full story. I had also heard about the paying off of reporters stateside, but I didn't know how much of the media we actually control over in Iraq. Again, I would like to see more proof on that one, but given this administrations current track record, it's not hard to believe everything said in the video.

So anyway, the next presidential election is on Nov 4th, 2008. That's just over 2 years and a month... 766 days... and I'm counting them! I just hope we can get someone better in office. At this point, I don't even care which side the next president is on, I'll be happy with someone who understands that they are subject to the same laws as the rest of us monkies. I'd also like someone who can pronounce nuclear (say it with me... 'nu-clea-er', not 'nuke-you-lar') and can speak with real words. But maybe I expect too much.

I swear to go, if they try to get Jeb in office, I'm moving to fucking Canada.

However, there is light at the end of the tunnel! It comes, of all places, from Robin Williams himself! He's staring in a new movie this year called Man of the Year. In this movie, he plays a fake news funnyman/talkshow host who specializes in political humor (*cough *cough Jon Stewart *cough). As a publicity stunt, William's character runs for the presidency... and WINS! You know what tha means...

Jon Stewart for President, 2008! Maybe get Steven Colbert to be his running mate ;) That would be classic...

Anyway, here is the trailer for anyone who hasn't seen it.


politics, man of the year, movies

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