on how things change (part 12,000)

Jun 06, 2010 10:08

I think I bought this fabric either one week before or the day of my first (rather early) ultrasound. Not surprisingly (to me), I was scared as all get-out and didn't admit to the saleperson that I was making the blankie for my own tiny embrionic creature--just that I was being really, really particular about the quality of the binding fabric (soft and a good color match). It took many weeks to feel okay, that the pregnancy was going to stick, and I am still daily making deals with the baby to stay inside for a given number of weeks. (Note that early on, I had reasons to be freaked, but right now it's just generalized, minor hypochondria.) This blankie's edging may not last too long; it's rayon and may just shred with washing, even though it's pre-shrunk. Time will tell.

Around the same time as I bought the fabric--definitely post-U/S, because that gave me a younger gestational age than otherwise indicated--I bought a pocket calendar and recorded the weeks both there and on the iCalendar (which is cute but not networked; need to work on that). Good think because as gestational age (in weeks) has approached my actual age (in years), I've been forgetting how far along I am. This week they match--34/34. Only six or so weeks to go (five weeks 'till I turn 35).


Instead of panicking about it, I am going to go to the bakery now. Oh, the title is a reference to the fact that I got up at 7:30 yesterday and worked for a while, and woke up and mostly stayed awake reading after 7:30 today (and worked for a bit already). This is crazy for the weekend, and requires napping later, but I am taking it as part of my motherhood training. That and accidentally carrying the DVD remote to work in my purse and a spoon in my pocket most of Friday. Right. No time for fretting, time for bakery run.

baby, pregnancy

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