Archery at work

Sep 12, 2006 12:19

Archery at work
Originally uploaded by crankyisgood. I can't remember if I was posing for this shot (haha) or not, but if I was, I hit it spot-on. Not the target, no; cheap plastic archery sets plus not-naturally-physically-inclined (and by this I mean the *physics* of sport--just a sec, I'll explain) equals no points for my team. Luckily my lack of talent in this arena does not equate to my actual job, even if it was a work BBQ.

The bodice of this dress, which I bought at Una Mae's Freak Boutique in Chicago (highly recommended!) is way cuter than the poke-out top of the skirt implies. It crosses over with big fabric-covered buttons in the front, and has tank sleeves (as in, none, just nice wide straps).

Now back to the physics thing. I actually do okay when someone can tell me "now pull your arm up here, shift to the right, aim, got it!" But I am not naturally gifted at looking at my target and getting my body into the position to get the ball there. I am gifted at things like knitting, sewing and typing, and I have a strong body, so you'd think I wouldn't be so bad at these things. But with every more physical task, like bicycling, lawn bowling, regular bowling, volleyball, basketball, even driving a car, it takes a lot of mental effort and often the kind of advice described above to figure out how to do (fill in the blank) and then a decent amount of practice to get good at it. But I can get pretty good at it--though we still don't know if I'm any good at suction-cup archery, though 5 minutes got me from three-feet drop-offs to actually hitting the white board (and with some help from the condensation on my beer bottle, the arrow actually stuck!).

I'm working on a Secret Knitting Project so pictures will be delayed a few days. Next up is a pretty sweater from the fall Rowan for Jennifer, our leader at Hilltop (visit our blog at, adopted from Emily. I'll definitely post progress pictures of the sweater to motivate myself to knit knit knit. (Can I confess that I'm actually looking forward to the seaming? I know, I'm not sure what's wrong with me.)

PS THANK YOU so much for all the kind comments on my shawl. thank you thank you thank you.

introspection, knitting, sports, work

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