How to start a blog?

Apr 09, 2013 17:28

My days spent in marketing make me want to write something groundbreaking; something compelling that hooks the reader right from the first sentence. The more authentic part of myself says I should be writing about what's going on for me right now, without embellishment nor glamour. Whilst honest and straightforward, that does sound rather dull. In fact, one of my reasons for starting a blog is to chart my battles with boredom; my duelling with the doldrums; my trouncing of tedium.

The truth is, dear reader, that since becoming ill seven months ago, my life has shrunk so much so that it would now only fit someone a quarter of my size. The freedoms I enjoyed as a fit and healthy person with good mobility and boundless energy are but a distant echo. My house has become a prison and my weak and selectively useless body its keeper. I've reached the point where I can no longer cling to the fantasy that I will wake up able and energised tomorrow morning and return to my old life as an outdoorsy student nurse so a new order must prevail.

Fear not, I have a plan! Some months had a flashback to my GCSE arts class some 20 odd years ago (Ms Marchand, if you are reading, please accept my sincere apologies for being such a royal pain in the arse.) I remembered making badges and other small accessories out of leather. It wasn't part of my coursework but seemed a fairly constructive way to pass the time. The memory was enough to compel me to buy a leather working book or three and begin to investigate making what I shall collectively term as 'stuff'. Roll forward a few months and I am now at the point where I need to do something/anything in order to stave off cabin fever.

So, for now, my blog will focus on my efforts to focus my thoughts away from illness and disability and on to something creative that may even prove to be financially rewarding to. It will, of course, also feature cats. I have four. And a dog. And perhaps cooking, as I enjoy that too. Oh, and the fun and frustration of teaching oneself to play the piano. Yes, I think that about covers it!

Thanks for looking! Oh, wait, that's eBay. I mean: questions welcome. D'oh! That's eBay too. Um, well, maybe I'll give thought to "How to finish a blog" in my next entry. ;)

arts, cats, craft, insanity, disability, boredom, illness, dog, rehabilitation, leatherworking

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