Ladies and Gentleman...Children of ALL is time!
With this Post i am sending out a request to all who read this. Matt and I have joined forces to bring back something from the old days. Something Oldschool that everyone used to partake in. Something that brings back great memories to me and I can still here the sounds. What I am talking about it ICQ! Thats right. ICQ! I know you all remember ICQ and how popular it used to be when we were all in highschool. If you didnt have ICQ you were a queer. Well fuck even Lamansky had ICQ! Matt and I have downloaded ICQ and we will be on 24/7. If you do not remember your ICQ number then just create a new one and post it and get the word around so people can add you. No one uses ICQ anymore and it is actually a great chat program! I am expecting all of you to support us as friends and DL ICQ and BRING IT BACK! ICQ OR BUST! My ICQ # is 64259131 if anyone wants to add me. Please help us in this project! In return for this I also promised Sarah that we would bring back high 5's too! There just isnt anything better than hearing that little voice say uh-oh when you get your messege. Or to here your computer sound like a damn type-writer every time you type. But thank god that feature can be turned off!
You can download the