Because I just happened to see a request... (Public)

Aug 26, 2005 00:04

Someone on Skye's LJ asked about these...

Our wedding vows. If you can't figure out whose is whose, I shall laugh and think you a simpleton. :-D

The Very Happy Mrs. R

Kelly, my princess. Even though we began God’s adventure for us five years ago when we met, I come today to officially start with you as your guide and fellow adventurer. I promise to rely wholly on God for us. I pray that he would pour into me for you gentleness, that I may hold your body and heart softly in my arms, patience, that I may never become annoyed or upset with you, self-control, that I may never lash out at you in frustration, peace, that your heart with always find a restful place with mine. Joy, that ours hearts would rejoice in our savior, wisdom, that I would seek God in all decisions, faithfulness, that I would be only yours mentally and physically, and most of all, a selfless love, that I would put your needs before mine in all situations. I will fail you many times, but I will never leave you until I die. The devil will attack us for the rest of our lives, but I promise to rebuke his attacks through Christ. Through the dark days I will be there to bring you comfort and support, and through the bright, radiant days I will be there to celebrate with you. I promise to never look down upon you as inferior, but as an equal and my most trusted advisor. I only ask three things from your, be slow to anger, quick to forget, and nurture a desire for us to grow together in Christ where ever He leads us. I offer to you today, my comfort, support, desire, and all the love that God has given to me. You are my princess, my bride, and my sister in Christ forever.

Matthew, today, I take you to be my husband. My heart is, always has been, and always will be yours, and I swear that I will love you fiercely until I die. I will be by your side for the rest of our lives, through the struggles and the heartaches, and in times of joy and delight. I will build a home with you, support you in achieving your goals, dream with you, laugh with you, cry with you. I promise to support and trust your leadership when we have to make difficult decisions. I will fight with you to make our relationship, home, and lives Christ-honoring, and to raise our children so that they may grow to love the Lord.
I give my word to you that I will work on building my communication skills, especially within our relationship. I will cherish your sensitive heart. God has made you incredibly understanding and forgiving of me, and in my frustration I take advantage of that far too often. Through God’s help alone, I will not intentionally wound you when I am angry or upset. I will be more forgiving and understanding towards you, and try not to get frustrated with you because you can’t read my mind.
Thank you for loving me so unfailingly through the past four years and for promising to love me for the rest of your life. You have shown Christ to me in ways you do not know. My darling, my heart and my love are yours, until death do us part.
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