This post is kind of all over the place. Please bear with me.
I thought I'd try my hand at making kimchi this weekend, just because I felt like it. I soaked the cabbage in saltwater overnight, rung it out, and then packed it in a jar with other ingredients (chili powder, soy sauce, various other kimchi ingredients) to ferment for a couple of days. It ended up looking fine, but the taste was sorely lacking. The texture was right, but it wasn't spicy AT ALL. It just tasted pickled. Disappointing :(
But then I marinated some steak and cooked that so I could make some lettuce wraps. The beef came out nice and spicy. This time I used red pepper flakes instead of chili powder. Maybe I should try that for the kimchi instead? Does chili powder lose it's taste after sitting around? I didn't even think to try it before I put it in.
Mildly amusing story about my cats and the beef (hence the pic of Earl and Zuzu at the top). Whenever I'm cutting up raw meat, Zuzu (the brown tabby Persian) always comes into the kitchen to yell at me. She likes meat, a lot. It's actually good to give your cats raw meat (not ground meat) because they are carnivores. I normally feed them low-carb, grain-free dry cat food. So many brands have so much crap in them, it's unbelievable. If I had the money (and Earl wasn't such a pansy when it comes to eating raw meat), I'd probably switch them over to a raw diet. As it is, chewing the meat is at least good for their teeth. This is especially true for Zuzu, because as a Persian she has really bad teeth.
Anyway. Normally all they get is chicken, because I'm an awful cook and if I'm going to overcook meat I'd rather it be chicken. I feel less guilty than if I overcook a steak. But this time it was beef, and they TOTALLY turned their noses up at it! They sniffed it and walked away! Snobs.
Back in the spring I refinished a dresser and never got around to posting it here. So, below you will find a "before" picture.
Note: that's not wood, it's a PICTURE of wood pasted onto the MDF. This was just some cheap set of drawers I found on Craigslist. It's not well made by any means, but it had a good shape.
My bedroom has been on my list of projects for quite some time. I live in a one-bedroom duplex, so space is kind of at a premium. It's got a tiny closet and I have a second bed in there for when I have company. Luckily, it's just wide enough to fit the dresser in between the beds.
Guys, I've had the same set of plastic drawers serving as a bedside table since I was a freshman in college. That... wasn't recent. Now I'm almost like a grownup. Also, as I said before, I painted the walls gray. This weekend I decided to put up the curtains my mom gave me.
Either I need to get a taller ladder or grow a couple inches because putting in those curtains rods was difficult. It didn't help that the house is old and therefore the walls are plaster and a BITCH to drill through. But, I got it up and I LOVE the way it looks. I wasn't so sure about it going in. To be honest, this room hasn't come together quite how I wanted it. I was hoping to use more green and have bolder prints. But I kept my eyes peeled for months trying to find a duvet cover I liked. Finally I just made one out of some sheets from Carson's because I got sick of looking. They didn't even have the right green (I wanted more of a bright apple green and these are a lighter spring green), but they were on sale so there you go.
Of course, I went out this weekend to buy new sheets and Bed, Bath, & Beyond had two duvet covers that I would have strongly considered if I hadn't JUST MADE MY OWN.
Anyway, I love my bedroom. I only wish my little point and shoot camera hadn't died a slow, painful death while on vacation. These phone pics just aren't very nice.
In less fun news, my basement flooded sometime while I was on vacation and I only just noticed it this weekend (It's an unfinished basement and is super creepy and I don't like spending time down there if I don't have to). That was a BLAST to clean up. As an extra bonus it was approximately 100 Billion Degrees outside and I don't have air conditioning.
Random, but some station was marathoning the original Star Wars trilogy and I caught bits and pieces of it. Only, it was the ~*~new and improved~*~ versions that got rereleased whenever and only serve to piss. me. off. Supposedly they are how Lucas originally wanted the movies to be, right? Well he was wrong. All he did was add in extra cg crap that the movies didn't need to begin with. They were fine. It's not even like I'm a huge Star Wars nerd. I saw the new movies in theaters and promptly forgot about them. I don't know anything about canon beyond what I remember from the original films. But I do know that they are good, entertaining films and seeing Hayden Christensen shooped into the ending of Return of the Jedi just rubbed me the wrong way.
Ugh. I feel like I need to bust out the VHS tapes we have of the original cuts. *old man grumble*
ETA: The first Colts preseason football game was this weekend. REAL FOOTBALL IS SO CLOSE I CAN ALMOST TASTE IT. :9